Mars energy and how to use it?


Well-known member

They told me..

So now work with Mars more and by using the Mars energy as Warrior you will soon feel better.when things or ppl push you down rise up don't let them do that.

What means use your mars energy and how we do that to solve issues?


Well-known member
About Mars in your chart:

We find your Mars in the 5th H, standing alone at 20'Capricorn. This tells us that your Mars energy [ambition and assertion, your drives and desires] expresses largely through the earthy modality, and while you don't demonstrate a lot of aggression [being self-controlled], you are very determined about meeting your goals. These are apt to be practical and attainable which you approach with responsibility and resourcefulness. This energy is oriented towards stability and security on the physical/material level: you tend to be well-prepared for activity and can maintain hope through all difficulties in life. With effort you can be masterful in navigating through life in search of personal meaning and purpose.
With Mars ruling your 9th H, you might direct your energy towards learning through higher education, travel or cultural endeavours, or seeking after higher awareness and a sense of personal spirituality.
This energy is motivated through it's aspects from the Sun [positive] and Moon [negative].

The connection with your Aries Moon creates emotional tension for you, and you likely prefer to take a leadership role, rather than being a follower. The firey nature of Aries can be very passionate and direct, but the interaction with Mars makes it necessary to control any restlessness, as you can be easily bored by routine and regularity. You may be inspired by creative impulses in directing your Mars energy. And while emotional excitement tends to stir your motivations, you need to ensure that your emotions are appropriately controlled, to avoid interfering with your actions. If you get overly stirred up emotionally,you can tend to set up a defensive attitude with others. Moon and Mars often contributes to conflicts with others.

The best way to direct your Mars is by using resourcefulness, prudence, tenaciousness and self-discipline. When used appropriately you can gain great wisdom through your experiences, even though you are prone to meeting up with restrictions and apparent limitations. This is why patience is a needed virtue when dealing with this Mars energy.


Well-known member
The connection with your Aries Moon creates emotional tension for you, and you likely prefer to take a leadership role, rather than being a follower. The firey nature of Aries can be very passionate and direct, but the interaction with Mars makes it necessary to control any restlessness, as you can be easily bored by routine and regularity. You may be inspired by creative impulses in directing your Mars energy. And while emotional excitement tends to stir your motivations, you need to ensure that your emotions are appropriately controlled, to avoid interfering with your actions. If you get overly stirred up emotionally,you can tend to set up a defensive attitude with others. Moon and Mars often contributes to conflicts with others.

That's not true,i prefer to be a follower and not getting too much attention,responsibilities that cause me insecurity.I'm bored easy from a routine job and lack of creativity.


Well-known member
There it is then...the combination of Mars/Capricorn and Moon/Aries would normally push one to take a stronger lead, however with Mars sq NN, and Moon Con NN, this can make it more subdued for you. Still, the NN calls you to create more independence and courage in life to give you the confidence to overcome inner insecurities. Factor in the Virgo influence at the ASC, and this too contributes to greater reticence.

The nodal Axis is an important indicator of the polarity between what your soul is 'aiming towards', and getting rid of your dependence on past imprinting that keeps you withdrawn in your personal comfort zone.

In turn the SN in Libra shows that in the past you have demonstrated the tendency to compromise and rely on keeping balance...when you prefer to just 'go along with things' there is less inclination to make personal breakthroughs that allow for progress, and development towards your higher aims.

Since you have already experienced the Saturn Return,the next cycle is the time to branch out on your own and gain your own true maturity.


Staff member
Ok,so what should do know to use Mars energy to get positive results?
You identified some problems with not using your Mars energy here:
That's not true,i prefer to be a follower and not getting too much attention,responsibilities that cause me insecurity.I'm bored easy from a routine job and lack of creativity.

That last sentence is probably the easiest problem to fix. Maybe not right away--if you have a routine job and you need the income, quitting immediately might not be an option, but branching out is. What creative things can you do--for a hobby if not a job? Or, if you are in a position to change jobs or pursue a new career, what could you do that would be more varied and engage your creativity?

I suspect there's a part of you that would like to lead--that strong Mars and Aries moon speak to that--but it's being overshadowed by the Virgo in you. Virgo does not like attention at all. Virgo would greatly prefer to be in the background doing something useful. Virgo also needs some routine, although if you have other chart factors that hate routine--Aries moon, for instance--that could be a conflict. You need enough routine to keep your Virgo sun and AC happy, but you can't handle nothing but routine and the same old all day long.


Staff member
What should do to unrelease mars energy,there is no a simple suggestion ,do this or do that?

If there were a simple suggestion, would you really do it?

It's never that simple.

What do you do that makes you feel especially alive and energized? If nothing now, what have you done in the past that made you feel that way?

That feeling is Mars activated. But what causes that feeling isn't the same for everyone. Some people get energized by a verbal debate. Some, by physical activity. Some, by doing something creative. Some, by activism, throwing themselves into a cause, fighting for something.

Sometimes wearing something, creating an amulet, something to call in planetary energies, helps. You could say it's magic. You could say it's just refocusing your attention. Either way, it might help. Red clothing or jewelry could invoke Mars, especially if you wear it with that intention. Or, since your Mars is in Capricorn, you could use colors that look Capricorn-like to you, along with a bit of red. Personally, I think of Capricorn as dark blue, but if you associate a different color with it, go for it.

If wearing your Mars colors isn't an option, having them to look at could also do it. Maybe make a Mars altar--doesn't have to be anything fancy, could just be a small number of things that make you think of Mars, spread out on a little table or shelf or even on the floor in a corner. The important thing is to call it into your life. That might seem silly, it might at first seem like nothing's happening, but you'll probably find little shifts happening over time. Mars energy would gradually stop seeming like such a lost cause.