Can you help me with my Golden Yod?


New member

I have a golden yod in my chart and I would love to know a little more about it if anyone has any leads or would like to offer up some interpretations... I would love to know how it plays out in my life, or how it might in the future.

I have pallas athene (in cancer in the 9th house) biquintile BOTH Saturn (in Scorpio in the 2nd house) and Jupiter (in Aquarius in the 4th house). Saturn and Jupiter are quintile each other.

On top of all that I've got Neptune opposite Pallas as well, with Neptune in Capricorn in the 3rd house!

It's pretty cool to me because the orbs are all less than 1 degree!

I'm a libra and Pluto has been squaring my sun for a while now and I've been turning to astrology as a way to cope with the intensity of the transit...

Any insights??