Psychopathic Women


It is widely stated by presumptive experts and non-experts alike
that most psychopaths are men, but there is new information and
new understanding that real change has brought a mammoth alteration of this situation. According to Sam Vaknin and his colleagues, the number of narcissists who are women is now closer to 50%. Furthermore, such women who are narcissists have a secondary diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. And further consideration of the BPD suggests that it is really secondary psychopathy. In other words, male narcissists tend to be narcissists only, while female narcissists tend to demonstrate psychopathic traits.
"Fifty percent of narcissists are women,
and the women are also borderline,
and the new viewpoint is that borderline is a
form of psychopathy. We are reconsidering borderline
as secondary psychopathy. When such women
are under stress, they become more psychopathic
than men. More defiant, compulsive, reckless,
callous, cruel & sadistic, goal-oriented, etc.
Narcissistic men would be clownish and buffoonish,
but women would be dangerous. Also a 5-fold
rise in diagnosed, primary psychopathic women.
As the gender distinctions crumble, as women
become men, they are becoming psychopathic men.
See 6:00 in video. Most frightening development
ever. All we need is a society comprised of
narcissistic men and psychopathic women.
We're really doomed as a species should this
happen. The pandemic is going to accelerate
these trends. There will be three waves of mental illness
following this pandemic. Half the population
or more. Depression and anxiety, mood disorders
and anxiety and mood disorders followed by
personality disorders and a serious upsurge
in psychotic disorders. We are not prepared for this,
no way, our mental health system is prepared for
severe illness in about 1% of the population
not half. In the US, the number is closer to
40%. This will dwarf COVID-19. This threatens
the foundations of our civilization, absolutely."

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Well-known member
Your article reminds me of Jordan Peterson 's mention of the Swedish situation. (or Scandinavian ?)
In flattening out the differences between the two sexes by granting complete gender equality, the result has shown that they actually become even more different.
Possibly, some of the attempts to flatten out the differences brings out aggressive frustration as women try to assert themselves more visibly to compensate denying their genetic qualities.
Don't bite my head off for mentioning this, please!
It's a very interesting topic.


Your article reminds me of Jordan Peterson 's mention of the Swedish situation. (or Scandinavian ?)
In flattening out the differences between the two sexes by granting complete gender equality, the result has shown that they actually become even more different.
Possibly, some of the attempts to flatten out the differences brings out aggressive frustration as women try to assert themselves more visibly to compensate denying their genetic qualities.
Don't bite my head off for mentioning this, please!
It's a very interesting topic.

I saw that video. It is stunning.


Well-known member
I read in an article in Psychology Today that in the US the proportion of the population who are psychopaths are 1% male and 0.3-0.7% Female. I thought that was lower than I would have expected but that is probably those diagnosed (need to check).


Well-known member
In terms of narcissist Personality Disorder Psycom publication has this to say, again about US

'0.5-5% estimated percentage of people with NPD in the US population-based on community samples.

50-75% – the percentage of people with NPD who are men.

Percentage is low because, in order to be diagnosed, someone with NPD has to admit they have issues—which they often don’t'.

Given the above, its highly likely that prevalence is much higher.


Staff member
But the percentage of males is higher than that of women with these syndromes.

Is it really? Or does psychopathology have different manifestations in different genders, with men being more likely to be identified because the diagnostic criteria are designed to catch the male manifestations but exclude the versions more common in females?

ADHD and autism are underdiagnosed in women for that reason. While those are a far cry from psychopathology, the fact remains that in medicine and psychiatry, male is treated as normative. Wouldn't be surprised if the criteria for identifying a psychopath work the same way.


Well-known member
Is it really? Or does psychopathology have different manifestations in different genders, with men being more likely to be identified because the diagnostic criteria are designed to catch the male manifestations but exclude the versions more common in females?

ADHD and autism are underdiagnosed in women for that reason. While those are a far cry from psychopathology, the fact remains that in medicine and psychiatry, male is treated as normative. Wouldn't be surprised if the criteria for identifying a psychopath work the same way.

I think the NPD will always be difficult to accurately predict prevalence in males or females as they are the last people often to seek help because of the nature of the condition.


Well-known member
I think the NPD will always be difficult to accurately predict prevalence in males or females as they are the last people often to seek help because of the nature of the condition.

Are there specific astrological aspects related to these syndromes?


Well-known member
Are there specific astrological aspects related to these syndromes?
I found the attached article but cannot vouch for the knowledge of the author. However, they have taken the different elements of NPD and looked at what could be related to certain planetary aspects example problem moon indicating lack of empathy. Anyway, as I'm limited to how much I can quote on this site I have just added the link.