Sesquiquadrate aspect

Is this aspect linked with artistic gifts or rare talents? I have noticed many great artists, actors and musicians have several sesqui-quadrate aspects, which is 2 planets that are 135 degrees apart. Beethoven, DaVinci, and Michelangelo had several, among other notable names. I am especially interested because I have three in my natal chart.


Well-known member
Though not net-searchable as such, I much prefer the label “tri-octile” (3 x 45) because it is easier to pronounce and reminds more accurately from which family it harks (i.e., 8th harmonic, not the 4th).
It is not common to have three tri-octiles (are you giving more than the recommended 1.3x-ish orb?), though plenty of charts have three or more octiles and tri-octiles combined.
They are not associated with gifts or talents but, rather, your mentioned famous artists endured just as much tension aspects as the rest of us (though, using the recommended orb, there are none in Beethoven’s chart and only the totally-uninspirational Moon 135 Sat in Michelangelo’s).
Instead, these aspects are just as “red” as oppos and squares (though you would dial-it-down a bit).
Can dig deeper in the context of viewing your chart if you wish.
I wasn't aware you should give that small of an orb. Using that orb I would only have one, moon and pluto. Sesqui-quadrates are represented by the dotted lines.


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If my counting is correct, there are two sesquiquadrates to Pluto:
One from Moon (that is also conjunct Sun), ruler Ascendant in 10th,
one from Jupiter, ruler 6th house, in 12th.
As Moon and Jupiter is in a square aspect and are each 135* to a 3rd planet, you have a configuration that is called 'Thor's Hammer'.

I look at the 135* aspect as a 90+45*, which takes on a slightly different perspective than that of Krewster. I interpret it as the challenge that requires the necessary effort in order to, yet may not, achieve and succeed. In the chart shown it's an interesting 'personal' combination because there is involvement between the 1st,5th and 6th houses to the 10th.

As an example only:
The Ascendant and 6th house have strong associations with the physical body. Their rulers are in square aspect to the planet of willpower in overcoming the odds, in its own sign albeit retrograde.
The configuration might suggest a physicality that has an effect upon one's ability to (find) work(6th house) and succeed in a career life (10th house). An individual could find the effort of the challenge too much and accept that (s)he'll not make much of him/herself because of a lack of belief(Jupiter) in one's self(Sun) .
OR: the very fact of the physical challenge upon one's willlpower to overcome the odds, together with one's belief in one's abilties, could spur one on to make the necessary effort required to achieve success.

Other aspects will play their role, of course. They are the nails. It's merely a question of how the hammer is knock character and circumstances into or out of shape???:smile:


Well-known member
That small-of-an-orb was determined by the harmonicists (partly I understand to minimize overlap when using minor aspects). So by that scale even the sextile gets only 2 degrees orb (t’was a sad, realism-hurts kind of day when I let-it-go for crazy-wide sextiles spreading unreal-but-feel-good optimism all over my chart castings). So mathematically? a wider than 1.3x-ish orb for the 135 would only seem logical if such minor is your only minor.
Frisiangal pointed out your Octo-Yod (net searchable as a Thor’s Hammer). Keep consideration, when researching such config, that more than your Moon is involved (because your Moon lies 45 from Ven and, therefore, your Moon 90 Jup and Ven 90 Pluto are interacting or even acting in concert), as the Octo-Yod turns into an Octo-Zoid (i.e., a “red” symetrical trapezoid, with only the Ven 135 Jup crossbrace out-of-orb).
One way for even a neophyte to begin net-searching the influences of such a config would be to treat all five of its aspects as if they were squares (and then tone down to taste).
Wow that interpretation is pretty spot on. I have an unusual appearance and it has gotten in the way of getting jobs and having a social life. I'm currently unemployed and have no idea where I'm going in life. All I have to take pride in is my musical talent, and even that hasn't done me much good. I have the willpower, I believe, to overcome this, no matter how long it takes. Do you have any more interpretation for moon and Jupiter 135 Pluto? I hear Jupiter/Pluto makes one dogmatic and narrow-minded, and moon/pluto makes one very moody? (I can be both, and I have a bad temper)
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Well-known member
Your expression of confidence in maintaining enough " overcome..." seems well represented by how supportively Sat aspects planets in your chart:

-quintile the Sun;
-quintile the Moon; and
-bi-novile Merc.

and musical-bent inclinations by:

-Merc semi-decile Ven (6 min tight);
-Ven novile Uran (6 min); and
-Ven decile Nept.


Well-known member
Is this aspect linked with artistic gifts or rare talents? I have noticed many great artists, actors and musicians have several sesqui-quadrate aspects, which is 2 planets that are 135 degrees apart. Beethoven, DaVinci, and Michelangelo had several, among other notable names. I am especially interested because I have three in my natal chart.

Well, my understanding of sesquiquadrate is one of a slow increase of entropy. This disorder might, in fact, be a source of creativity. It could also help the mind drifting away into imagination. Interesting perspective indeed.
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Though not net-searchable as such, I much prefer the label “tri-octile” (3 x 45) because it is easier to pronounce and reminds more accurately from which family it harks (i.e., 8th harmonic, not the 4th).

It is not common to have three tri-octiles (are you giving more than the recommended 1.3x-ish orb?), though plenty of charts have three or more octiles and tri-octiles combined.


I think I have 3 in my natal chart, all have small orbs, or even 4 if we allow a bit wider orb:

Neptune Sesquiquadrate North Node, 0 ° orb
Mercury Sesquiquadrate Ascendant, 1 ° orb
Mercury Sesquiquadrate Uranus, 1 ° orb
Venus Sesquiquadrate Saturn, 2 ° orb

What could this mean? It doesn't sound great.

I can post my chart if it helps.
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