Donald Trump - A Gemini President for a Gemini Country


Well-known member
I think Donald Trump is one of the best presidents for our country, partly because he is a Gemini, and America is a Gemini country. Yes I know people say this is a Cancer nation if you go by the July 4th date, I have also heard it is a Virgo country if you go by the date of the constitutional convention. It is actually a Gemini country if you go by our personality though. Think of what we are known for: fast food, love of cars (transportation), communication - Americans love to talk, chat and text on their phones, social media etc. These are all Gemini traits. Now look at our president. He loves fast food, he had his own helicopter and plane before becoming president; being an air sign, it's no surprise that he would fly a lot. He is also from NYC which is a Gemini/Cancer city. He seems to resonate with the spirit of our country. Any thoughts?


Well-known member
Gemini is the sign of the yuppie - in the 1980s, a social class emerged into the pop cultural scene: Young Urban Professionals, although they're around before the decade, they were an epitome of what a Gemini is, an American is (esp. California - itself more Geminian, in urban centers like San Francisco-Oakland, San Jose, L.A-Long Beach and Orange county, even San Diego and Sacramento, and what a mixed bag of social Liberal and fiscal conservative ethos they were.