Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!


Well-known member
The question I asked was the one I posed as I got out of bed this morning. It was about my ability to transform my health/body through means which suit me - i.e. using my intuitive abilities to seek the truth of the matter.

Ten of Coins is about:
"The card is like a sigh of relief at the end of a period of work and diligence - a sign that all is okay."
It has a lot to do with stability of home and family, and that has certainly been behind a lot of my health issues in the past, given my very sensitive body.

The card I leave is: TEMPERANCE

I tend to read the tarot with a quiet mind, allowing whatever is coming through to come through. So, whilst opening this post I had no expectations, however...

Temperance is my favourite card in the tarot. The card of sag and scorp cusp (according to personal insight). My bday is on the exact cusp, 22-11, 8 hours or so before sag. I dont believe in cusps, I'm a scorpio, with 4 planets in sag, and still I'm a scorp. My moon is in gemini. and further I only have mars and venus in libra, appart from my scorp planets.

There is a lot of duality in me. I'm a sensual, masculine homosexual. I love my light and I love my dark and I hate both too. Currently a lot of people are commenting on my dual nature, the balance I create/the jump-rope I'm keeping in constant motion between male and female. To me temperance has always signified this quality. The angel is merging fire with water, transmuting it into pure white light (theoretically). His ability to do this is his temper, his insight/angle/timing on the suituation/task on hand.

I am the process of mergence.

The card I leave behind is Page of Cups
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Neptune Rising

Well-known member
I was thinking, as usual, what to do about a situation. Page of Cups reminds me that I don't actually have to 'do' anything. Capricorn Sun maybe endows me with a need to 'do' something, to control the situations around me somehow. Piscean Moon however, likes to recieve in a passive state.

Page of Cups tells me, the situation is unfolding as it should, even in a fruitful way, and I should allow it to be. It can even be full of imagination, receptivitiy, or if I allow these things to flourish, instead of looking at the more 'pentacle' side of things, it will flourish.

Reminding me to nurture my creative side too more. I've been busy moving house and busy with job stuff, generally busy, not had enough time to just 'be', and 'be' with myself.

Card I leave:


Neptune Rising

Well-known member
Lol, I think this is the 3rd time I've had this card in this thread. Well, I asked for some guidance in my life at the moment.

Death = changes and endings. Changes happening in my life at the moment, something is ending. It's not entirely clear to me what is ending, though I have an inkling... a feeling like my unconscious knows, yet I am still unsure. Perhaps this is my ego wanting to deny what the unconscious knows already, hence a bit of internal conflict. But I do see signs of endings, little hints here and there. A job and a relationship. These are necessary changes, though I am very sentimental and like to hold onto things that I am attached to. But this card shows that the changes are natural and necessary for new things to blossom afterwards. I have always loved the Rolling Stones song, 'you can't always get what you want, you get what you need'. Death, or change, brings us what we need, though not necessarily what we want.

The card I leave:
Ace of Pentacles

Neptune Rising

Well-known member
I wasn't sure if this had been responded to or not, but I find my last card Ace of Pentacles waiting. I'm hoping this is showing a new beginning coming into being in the near future, maybe even a new job. It's a nice card, positive and showing a tangible new start which is in the process of happening. With a New Moon in October, conjunct my MC and trine my MC, DC 5th,6th and 9th house rulers I feel something positive in the process of happening.

Card for the next person:

The Magician


The Magician... I guess I am at a time in my life where I realize the transformative power of the imagination and also the importance of the inspiration I have relayed to others.

For next person..


Arian Maverick

Well-known member
King of Pentacles

I'm pretty sure this card is here to mock me, since at the moment, I am at my absolute lowest point of "worldly success, ultimate fulfilment, material satisfaction, and high ambition."

The next card is:

The card represents the critical factor for the issue at hand. Page of Swords: The essence of air behaving as earth, such as a steady wind: The approach of an unexpected challenge, to be met with clear thought and just action. A person filled with an eager appetite for all matters of mind and logic. The gathering of information through unfaltering vigilance, careful examination, and subtle spycraft. The use of reason or eloquent speech to penetrate the veil of confusion and cut to the heart of the matter.

EDIT: I just thought of something. How do we know if the generated card is reversed or not? Wouldn't this alter its meaning?

Arian Maverick
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Well-known member
King of Pentacles

I'm pretty sure this card is here to mock me, since at the moment, I am at my absolute lowest point of "worldly success, ultimate fulfilment, material satisfaction, and high ambition."

Arian Maverick

Arain Maverick, I am sorry to hear your sad words that you are at the ‘’absolute lowest point of "worldly success, ultimate fulfilment, material satisfaction, and high ambition."

I truly hope things get better for you.

But believe me, 3 of those concepts – ‘’worldly success, material satisfaction, and high ambition’’ are really dictated by modern day misconceptions and not ‘the truth of life’, so to speak. So please try not worry about them absolutely.

Maybe think to yourself that you still have time to attain all these things, it will take just a bit more time, and a bit more patience.

And maybe think of the nine of pentacles – the right way up – as one of your next cards that are coming up :happy: !

On to My question – is it over? ... a friend/romantic attachment ...

My card – Page of swords ...

‘The card represents the critical factor for the issue at hand. Page of Swords: The essence of air behaving as earth, such as a steady wind: The approach of an unexpected challenge, to be met with clear thought and just action. A person filled with an eager appetite for all matters of mind and logic. The gathering of information through unfaltering vigilance, careful examination, and subtle spycraft. The use of reason or eloquent speech to penetrate the veil of confusion and cut to the heart of the matter.’

Strange card to draw at this time ...
The swords is an air element + page is an earth element = I am an air sign and the person in question is an earth sign. So, it seems this interpretation has a connection to my question. Furthermore, page of swords is linked to the mind and logic: and the attachment is question is very much a meeting of minds and individual logical thinking. So again, it seems this card had relevance to the question asked.

And coincidently enough, the page is the messenger of the deck and the question was prompted by a message I had received today. So this card defiantly had resonance with the question.

I will have to ponder a bit longer on this cards meaning to see if it truly answers my question ...

Next card ...

Six of pentacles – right way up


I thought this was fun until I received the Hanged Man card :sad:

I did ask a question before I entered the forum, but I ******* up and asked two questions;

Why hasnt love came into my life, and when will it finally, and not just any love but the permanent sort, but at the same time I was thinking while I was asking these questions to myself....about my xboyfriend why did it last for as long as it did and what was our connection? We had something I guess but it was so...I really dont know?

so this card means:

Basic Tarot Meaning
With Neptune (or Water) as its planet, the Hanged Man is perhaps the most fascinating card in the deck. It reflects the story of Odin who offered himself as a sacrifice in order to gain knowledge. Hanging from the world tree, wounded by a spear, given no bread or mead, he hung for nine days. On the last day, he saw on the ground runes that had fallen from the tree, understood their meaning, and, coming down, scooped them up for his own. All knowledge is to be found in these runes. The Hanged Man, in similar fashion, is a card about suspension, not life or death. This is a time of trial or meditation, selflessness, sacrifice, prophecy. The Querent stops resisting; instead he makes himself vulnerable, sacrifices his position or opposition, and in doing so, gains illumination. Answers that eluded him become clear, solutions to problems are found. He sees the world differently, has almost mystical insights. This card can also imply a time when everything just stands still, a time of rest and reflection before moving on. Things will continue on in a moment, but for now, they float, timeless.

Meaning, I need to focus more haha.

I leave behind



Well-known member
I asked... what my ex feels about me and how we can come to some arrangement on a suitable relationship that will work for us both..

Ace Of Cups

This card is a blessing... A blessing that assures us, if we hold ourselves (our thoughts, feelings, body, etc) in a place of love there is no end to the beauty we may allow to flow into our lives.

it is a message for us to start at the place of, our intent, need, desire, direction; if we initiate action from the starting point of love and compassion then our result will be blessed.

water is the sign of emotion and the Ace is the beggining or fresh start.

I hope it comes true...

I leave the king of swords

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Well-known member
The King of Swords answered my question perfectly! I asked about someone that will have to make a judgement.

I leave behind, The Moon.

Neptune Rising

Well-known member
I asked how my meditation course will be, what it will bring me, and I find the Moon! All about the intuition, feelings, the senses, I will be looking into my unconscious and the relative unknown parts of myself. It can also coincide with a lunar cycle - the recent new Moon fell in my 9th house, opposite my natal Jupiter, ruler of my chart. Nicely describes a new meditation course which starts tomorrow! The course will still be in during the full Moon, it will be day 7 of silence, I'll be looking forward to my dreams during the course! Pity we cannot write anything down.

Card I leave:

The Moon (seriously this card came out of the deck)


Well-known member
Card I leave:

The Moon (seriously this card came out of the deck)
Thanks for that one, Neptune :wink:

I have been feeling particularly `off' in the past few days, with a lot of inner `murmurings' which I'm choosing to ignore.

With Pisces as its ruling sign, the Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition.

There are inner fears of madness, which I think belong with my late mother and her own mother. Just of late am wondering at which end of the genius-madness spectrum I belong!!! (Prob the madness end for even considering it!)

I draw the following card:

Two of Wands


Well-known member
I am hoping for a new job offer after a long period of indecision and I asked if I have done enough (applying). i got the 2 of wands -

"The Two of Wands means that things are moving in the right direction for you and success is imminent. In a Tarot reading it can show you working with a partner and using your creative talents.

Sounds good! I hold the globe of possibilities in my hand and optimistically look forward with high ideals and a desire for travel. There is change in the air...fingers crossed!

I leave...
The King of Cups


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Basically I asked about a relationship happening and the King of Cups usually means love is right around the corner. That's pretty darn good news to me.

Anyways, I leave: Six of Coins (Success)


Well-known member
I am on a weight reducing life style and have been doing it tough but i have lost 6 kilos in the month, not as much as i had hoped for as i worked so hard for what i had lost... I had a few things over the last few days that would see me go backwards like 2 other times this year....:crying: I woke up today and said no more... back on my goal i asked if i would continue the good work...
6 coins.... lol good news:happy:

I pulled the 9 of wands

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Well-known member
On the Two of Swords, we see a young woman who has put a barrier of swords across her heart. Her rigid posture tells us of her struggle to keep her feelings under control. She is fending off any approach from the outside. "Nothing comes in, and nothing goes out," she seems to say.

The Two of Swords is about the barriers we put up between ourselves and others and those we create within ourselves. Internally, we block off emotions and refuse to feel them. We avoid looking at the truth and pretend that everything's OK.

We think one way, but feel another. In countless ways, we divide off parts of ourselves and try to maintain them even when we know they need to be reconciled.
In readings, the Two of Swords often appears when you are not willing to accept some truth about yourself or the situation. What are you really feeling? Are you resisting tender feelings because you might be hurt? Are you furious even though you're smiling? What are you refusing to look at? Notice the blindfold on this woman. She can't look at the truth or even acknowledge that there is trouble.

The most common barrier is a closed heart. When we cut ourselves off emotionally, we sever the connection that allows our love to flow outward. Sometimes this action is necessary, but it always comes at a great price. Every time we close off our heart, we find it more difficult to open again. Another barrier between people is a deadlocked situation.

When two parties are set in their positions - cut off from each other - there is a stalemate. To break it, the "opponents" must come out from behind their swords and listen to each other. The lesson of the Two of Swords is that barriers are not the answer. We must stay open if we are to find peace and wholeness.

For you....
Page of Pentacles


Well-known member
Me: The Sun - I asked a question about my relationship ... Im not really sure what this card means though, lol... I think its good right?

Next Person: Five of Wands
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New member
I asked about my tryingto conceive another child and yep frustrations from the five of wands is what I am dealing with. It has been 17 months and counting, so can relate to that card very well!


The Star, my favourite card from my Secret taror deck, as when it appears there is always about to be a touch of magic in the person that I am reading fors life :happy: