How would two seemingly different energies play out in real life?


Well-known member
For example, say someone has a mars in the first house on the ascendant which gives a person great willpower, strength, assertiveness and confidence and sometimes over-confidence, it can make someone hot-tempered if for example in a fire sign, quick to react to perceived threats and yes, agression can be an issue. Now lets say that person has an exalted jupiter in cancer, this jupiter in cancer makes this person warm, caring, nurturing, they have the ability to make others feel cared for, they know how to comfort someone, they are generally really really empathic and sense how others are feeling and just straight out the gate they care about other people, they care about them they care for them and so on. So do you have any interpretation how this actually works out in real life, all other factors not taken in to consideration. Do you have any examples of this or a similar configuration and what would your advice be to someone who struggles to manage both planetary influences? This could also be the sun the first house yet the moon in conjunction with jupiter in cancer...or having capricorn rising (frugal disposition) and also a sun jupiter conjunction in the second (spending money is a way of feeling good about themselves, being proud of being generous)

Looking forward to what you have to say :)


Staff member
Mars and Jupiter are both going to show up in some way. The question is how.

The flavor of the chart as a whole determines that. What sign Mars is in determines what flavor of Mars we're talking about. Whether or not Mars and Jupiter have an aspect between them, and if so, what kind, will also be a factor.

I wouldn't say Cancer placements always make a person nurturing. People without anything in Cancer can be very nurturing. People with significant Cancer in their charts aren't always. I recall a poster on here, probably around the time I first joined, saying, "I'm a Cancer [sun], but I'm as nurturing as a bag of nails."

What highlighting Cancer does is bring a need for something Cancerian. Maybe it's a need to create your own space. Maybe it's a focus on family, ancestry, home... which may or may not be in the conventional sense. Maybe it's a strong need to be nurtured. What people do in response to those needs might make them nurturing to others, but that's not always a given.

Jupiter in Cancer would make Jupiterian needs Cancerian.


Well-known member
what would your advice be to someone who struggles to manage both planetary influences?
Every astrology enthusiast knows that:
Every sign is of a specific element = temperament,
Every planet has a specific function = trait.
Every house defines a specific realm of life.
Aspects denote the ease, conflict, and challenges between traits in working with, rather than against each other.

Once the astrologer has mastered the meaning of each, and how they interact, the answer to the celestial equation should present itself. :smile:


Well-known member
For example, say someone has a mars in the first house on the ascendant which gives a person great willpower, strength, assertiveness and confidence and sometimes over-confidence, it can make someone hot-tempered if for example in a fire sign, quick to react to perceived threats and yes, agression can be an issue. Now lets say that person has an exalted jupiter in cancer, this jupiter in cancer makes this person warm, caring, nurturing, they have the ability to make others feel cared for, they know how to comfort someone, they are generally really really empathic and sense how others are feeling and just straight out the gate they care about other people, they care about them they care for them and so on. So do you have any interpretation how this actually works out in real life, all other factors not taken in to consideration. Do you have any examples of this or a similar configuration and what would your advice be to someone who struggles to manage both planetary influences? This could also be the sun the first house yet the moon in conjunction with jupiter in cancer...or having capricorn rising (frugal disposition) and also a sun jupiter conjunction in the second (spending money is a way of feeling good about themselves, being proud of being generous)

Looking forward to what you have to say :)

"... say someone has a mars in the first house on the ascendant which gives a person great willpower, strength, assertiveness and confidence and sometimes over-confidence, it can make someone hot-tempered if for example in a fire sign, quick to react to perceived threats and yes, agression can be an issue.

"...lets say that person has an exalted jupiter in cancer, this jupiter in cancer makes this person warm, caring, nurturing, they have the ability to make others feel cared for, they know how to comfort someone, they are generally really really empathic and sense how others are feeling and just straight out the gate they care about other people, they care about them they care for them and so on. So do you have any interpretation how this actually works out in real life, all other factors not taken in to consideration. "

So let's say then that if the native had Mars in the 1st and Jupiter in Cancer, they would probably have Jupiter in the 4th and Aries rising.

So An Aries rising native with 1st House angular Mars would likely have many of the traits you described: Willpower, strength, self confidence, ambition, and perhaps quick tempered. Would possibly be quite athletic and competitive and have a lot of physical energy and would need a physical outlet for pent up

Now you add in the Jupiter in Cancer in the 4th house, possibly squaring the Mars or the Ascendant. And we have a potential internal struggle between these two fiery planets.

Mars/Aries in the first, sometimes can be self absorbed, and sometimes can be very competitive, without realising they are being selfish by putting their needs ahead of others.

With a 4th House Jupiter in Cancer they might care very much about the feelings of their family and friends and their inner circle. And they would likely be very protective of their loved ones. And very protective of their own emotions and feelings. They might also have a flair for the dramatic and be quite loud and vocal about their feelings/needs and desires. Kind of like how a King rules his emotional kingdom.

Jupiter in the 4th in Cancer would challenge the 1st house Mars to be more giving and generous to their loved ones and to be more considerate and open emotionally, spending quality time and offering help and support with difficult tasks, as a way to show their love and concern..
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