Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!


Well-known member
I asked if my lover would return. The Fool indicates new beginnings so either I will start a new relationship with someone new or he will return and we start afresh. I've had m mind made up that if he does return I will reset the relationship.

Knight of wands


Well-known member
I asked if my lover would return. The Fool indicates new beginnings so either I will start a new relationship with someone new or he will return and we start afresh. I've had m mind made up that if he does return I will reset the relationship.

Knight of wands

I asked what my first born child will be like ok so does this mean a boy? King of wands sounds a lot like my husband, mentally and physically, so it makes sense hmm

I leave the hmm let me pick Seven of Pentacles
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Well-known member
I asked will the rest of my holidays go more smoothly? I leave:

Queen of Wands reversed.

I ASKED what card will represent the follow year of me, I dont really do reserved cards.. but ok.. if I don't count reversed can I just take it as the queen of wands? Ok cool I will

I leave the Seven of Pentacles I keep getting this one lol dunno
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