Intense synastry & compatibilty aspects? Or a disaster?

Okay so im seeing this guy abd i read his chart abd it has quite a few interesting conjunctions and oppositions. & other things i believe would be a good compatibility. Idk if all of them are good though..

First off even though hes a leo and im a virgo we both have our suns in the 8th house.i feel that part in the intensity that we both have, mostly in our eye contact with each other.
We both have neptune and uranus retrograde in the first house.
His moon is conjunct my sun AND Venus.
His Mars in Taurus is opposite my mars in Scorpio
His venus is conjunct my descendent.
His jupiter is conjunct my descendent
& since my lilith sits in my descendent, my lilith is conjunct his jupiter and venus.
His Lilith is also conjunct my Juno

The conjunctions with our liliths do worry me but im trying to be hopeful lol. Is this the type of connection that serves to just intrigue and tease us or are these good synastry aspects in your opinion?
I dont fully depend on astrology in my decision making but it doesnt hurt to know lol