Can you guess my profession (3)


Well-known member
Yeah! Interesting that I was able to see that using Sidereal, though, as you said, it would have been evident if I had used the tropical zodiac. I also have been focusing on the planets rather than other elements---aside from the elements.

Well, I have read everyone's post, and I have read your synthesis of the correct descriptions of this individuals professional nature and characteristics. This tends to color the interpretation, but I certainly need help now. :lol:

I am going to focus just on the tenth house now and the planets therein. I will try to make this simple, which should work after all the work the others have done.

Uranus has past the medium coeli to a significant degree; nonetheless, it is that last to perfect contact with the focal point. It is in the ninth, which would entail a inclination for learning the sciences, but more in line with astronomy, physics, etc. Furthermore, it is not making any significant contact, so this influence is marginal.

The second house is ruled by Saturn in the tropical, though in Sidereal, Aquarius is intercepted, leading to a Saturnian inclination, tending to toward the sciences, which can include medicine. This influence is marginal and is more of that which is outside of self, i.e., have to work with equipment of this nature.

In Sidereal, this individual's place of work, with the Taurean influence, points to Venus. In tropical, it would be Gemini, which happens to point us in the same direction, that being the tenth house and toward the conjunction of Venus and Mercury. The communicative aspect is there (and as an aside, this individual certainly should have some musical, creative talent), and it is still a part of the person's profession. It is, however, used with a purpose. As said before, it is in the sign of Scorpio, so healing is there. This individual's talents are used to assist in healing by means of communication. So I would say this person is a patient advocate. He or she assists the ill and ensures their medical needs are being met, and if they are not, he or she champions them. This person is an ombudsman, in a sense.

That's all I have! :smile:
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Well-known member
Is he a singing teacher/motivator to sick persons in government military hospital? Influence of Mars, Saturn, Venus, Moon, Sun, Rahu.



Premium Member
Is it amway?

Ok, you need to tell me how you came up with that one. :surprised: Because no, it isn't, but yes, he sort of poked at it until he met me and even then it took me a couple of years to convince him that he was just throwing his money away at something that was never going to work...:lol:


Premium Member
Once I wrote up my own analysis I realized that it was pretty long, so I thought it would be better to break it up into a couple of posts in order to avoid hitting everyone with a huge wall of text. :lol:

Again for career we want to focus on Mercury, Mars and Venus because these planets denote actions in the chart. We also want to consider whether any planets are making a phasis, or statement, by either stationing direct/retrograde or by going into or coming out of the beams within seven days of the nativity. In this case, Mercury rises from the beams exactly on the day of the nativity. Rising from the beams has been likened to a man who has been sick with a fever and is suddenly restored to full, and more vigorous vitality. This Mercury, and whatever it rules, will be very important to and strongly influence the native. One of the ways this influence plays out has been noticed by lejla, in that Mercury rules his 9th house of religion and spirituality, which is tropical Virgo (using whole signs, Virgo is the 9th sign from the ASC.) It could indicate that matters of physical health and well being would be something that motivates this person philosophically, and possibly to the extent that it could be considered a religion.
Mercury in the 11th can indicate someone who makes a living (the 11th is the resources to support the 10th) from communication in some way, perhaps speaking or writing, or who works with technology Being in the same house as the Sun/sect light gives this Mercury a big push further emphasizing his rise from out of the beams. What ever this person does, communication is going to be of primary importance.

Something that has been "lost" for lack of a better word in astrology is the use of the term/bound rulers and the triplicity rulers. This article explains that originally the triplicity ruler of a particular "point," in this case the MC, shows the expression of the ideal, or pure impulse/desire of that point, the bound ruler will set the limit on the expression of that ideal.
"And even other sources indicate the the Hellenistic Greeks viewed the Bounds as describing the basic spiritual principle of the Universe (as described by the Trigon or Triplicity ruler) made manifest in, or bound into, the flesh, or matter."

So to start we can look at the MC and see that it is in Scorpio in the 11th whole sign house, in the bound of Mars and its primary triplicity ruler is Venus. Right away we know that the ideal expression will be something Venusian, manifested through Mars. Mars is in Aquarius in the 2nd house, suggesting that this person will work hard to make the most use of his resources. Mars in Aquarius often shows someone who will be an advocate for a cause or group in some manner. Mars is in the domicile, bound and triplicity of Saturn who is in Gemini in the 6th house. Meaning we need to examine Saturn as a way to further narrow down what Mars will make "manifest in the flesh" for this person's career.

Saturn is in the domicile and bound of Mercury, and is the daytime triplicity ruler of the air signs. This means that Saturn will express through thoughts and ideas and this placement is often found in the charts of writers, professors, researchers, and even accountants. In this chart, Saturn in Gemini is opposing an extremely well dignified Jupiter, who is the bound ruler of the ASC. Jupiter will represent the manifestation of the native's identity of "self." Jupiter is in his own domicile and bound, in the triplicity of the Sun. Jupiter in Sagittarius often denotes someone who seeks to understand the world through philosophy, religion, and scholarship. Those with Jupiter or Sagittarius prominent in their charts are frequently life long students of something, and will in many cases show a need to teach in some fashion. If we cross reference what Jupiter shows with what we know of this Saturn...Saturn as the ASC ruler, with Jupiter as the bound ruler, and Venus as the triplicity ruler, means that this person will self identify as a teacher in some Venusian fashion...


Ok, you need to tell me how you came up with that one. :surprised: Because no, it isn't, but yes, he sort of poked at it until he met me and even then it took me a couple of years to convince him that he was just throwing his money away at something that was never going to work...:lol:

It was nothing from the chart, just picking up on what some other posters have said about healing, food, travelling and I remember amway doing some nutriitional products

Is it anything to do with aids? Thinking bout the scorpio stellium here


Well-known member
Hi tsmall, it's worth mentioning that traditionally in Medieval astrology when examining the profession, it's routine to commence with the 1st - as well as 10th - because the Elemental Quality of the Ascendant Sign is a useful indicator of the Primary Motivation of the native :smile:

In this case the Elemental Quality of the Ascendant Sign is Tropical Earth. Earth signs need physical security.

Capricorn is one of the four Cardinal signs and Cardinal signs are the most active so Cardinal Capricorn works tirelessly – although usually in circumstances and an environment that has already been structured by others.

Saturn, Ruler as well as Almuten of the ascendant is in own Triplicity in 5th - finding Ruler of 1st in 5th indicates that the person seeks to fulfil their primary motivation through Entertainment or Children - or both. Another association with 5th house is gambling and on that note Jupiter is separating from direct opposition with Saturn.

Mercury, domicile ruler and Almuten of the degree in which Saturn is located is in 10th in domicile of Mars. Interestingly, the Exalted ruler of the Capricorn ascendant is Mars who is also the domicile ruler of the MC, furthermore Mars is located in the domicile of Saturn, thus linking the Primary Motivation of the native to their Career. It is frequently said that the Almuten and Exalted ruler are almost as significant as the domicile ruler - sometimes even more so.

Planets aspecting the Ascendant represent powers the native can use in the world and this person has a powerful Exalted Taurus Moon strongly angular in 4th, trining their ascendant and assisting/joining with the Primal Motivation drive towards physical security. Moon is domicile ruler of 7th thus linking partnerships of all kinds - including business or marriage - to the Primal Motivation drive as well as to the career AND the home. Furthermore, Venus, domicile ruler of Taurus is located in Mars domicile in 10th and is another connector linking the home to the career via 4th house/10th planets.
A need for Emotional Security is added to the Primal Motivation drive by Sun, Mercury and Venus aspecting the Ascendant by Sign from Tropical Scorpio. Fixed signs have a need to center and to acquire - in this case emotional security is sought via Career, the Home, Children in general, Entertainment. Exalted Ascendant ruler Mars forms part of the intricate weave as Mars is also domicile ruler of MC

In order to achieve their Primary Motivation, one would expect this person's Career to link Physical security, Emotional Security, Entertainment, Children and the Home. This person is likely to enjoy being with kids in general/being a performer/being creative and/or being a parent.

Furthermore according to Egyptian Terms, Jupiter, bound ruler of the ascendant is in domicile and located in 11th house of friends
. Wames said:

The Jupiter in sect and domicile and the only personal planet in an active fire sign is intriguing and it influences the 12th house. This could be someone that is in medicine/a healer but could also be an indication of a veterinarian or someone working with animals.
Jupiter is also the Exalted ruler of 7th and as such links to partnerships whether business, legal, marriage and so on and is another link via those significations to the Career as well as the Home of this person


Premium Member
I don't think this has been said. The Moon in Taurus is on the IC directly on the MC/IC axis. His childhood home experience has direct bearing on his employment. The IC is known as the lower Midhaven. The same nurturing theme is seen with the PoF being in Cancer in the 6th house and all that brings, applying to the 7th showing partners being important. The Sun is located on the MC and rules the 8th. A showman that makes money directly from others and not from a company. These are pieces to the puzzle.



Premium Member
Ok, I want to post part two of what I came up with in case my internet connection gets dicey again, then I'll read what everyone else has posted.

Venus, as the triplicity ruler of both the ASC and the MC signifies the personal ideal, or expectation, "the pure, spiritual impulse" (from the above link) of both how the native wishes to express his identity and what he would choose as the best, most satisfying career. Venus is in the domicile of Mars and is bound by Saturn. Venus is also closely conjunct Mercury, and we have already explored the types of professions Saturn and Mercury in this particular chart could indicate. Venus rules the arts, Mercury the sciences, and Saturn with Jupiter want to teach. Mars wants to be an advocate for a cause or a group. So we are looking for a teaching profession that combines science with the arts..painting, poetry, writing, singing, acting/being on stage in some fashion…some creative use of talent. And we want it to also advocate for something the native deems to be a worthy cause.

Whole sign places the MC in the 11th and the MC here can point to someone who makes a career out of things that the 11th signifies. The 11th rules friends, but also society and social causes, as well as networking and gifts from the king which could be likened to being able to benefit from networking, contacts, and plain old good luck, as the 11th is the house of Good Spirit.

Astrology and the natal chart is the map of the native's entire life, and in theory every minute detail can be found in the chart. Here we have someone who is a teacher, but the question remains, a teacher of what? And how? For that we go back to the teaching planets, Saturn and Jupiter. They are opposed as we have already seen, occupying the 6th and 12th houses. Ok, what do these houses mean? The 6th is the house of sorrow, critical illness, slaves and drudgery and day to day work, but it is also the house that signifies "beasts, flock animals, four footed things and their multitude or scarcity." (Benjamin Dykes, Introductions to Traditional Astrology.) Of matters pertaining to the 6th, the third triplicity ruler, in this case Jupiter, will signify "what will find the native in terms of those." Jupiter, well dignified and posited in the 12th, repeats the theme of animals, as the 12th also represents large beasts. The 12th signifies hospitals, institutions, prisons...but Jupiter is again seriously dignified. This native isn't in a hospital or a prison per se, because those places have negative connotations that go against what this Jupiter (in hayz and though in 12th whole sign more than 30* past the ASC, therefore considered <barely> to be advancing) represents. So what type of institution or prison is a happy kind of place that has animals?

I spent a long time on this delineation because I do know the native (I should, I have been married to him for 13 years come November) and so I wanted to be able to objectively analyze the chart. Something that is harder to do when you know what the answer is. What I found interesting is the square from Venus in detriment to her ruler Mars. The overall chart says teacher, with Mercury rising from the beams and so being terribly important.

This person had a dual major in college, with B.S. degrees in exercise physiology and education, minoring in nutrition. He has been first a personal trainer and manager of a gym, followed by a stint as a technology sales rep that lead to him being a technology instructor and sometime sales engineer. None of these satisfied his restless yearning, but he really found his calling when he started his own business (Capricorn ASC, with Mercury prominent) that has recently become a non-profit organization. He is the executive director of a traveling zoo that delivers educational programming to schools, libraries and other events throughout the northern New England states. He, and his employees, teach classes in biodiversity, taxonomy and classification, ecosystems, sustainable living and several other things that I don't pretend to understand. And he came into this profession because he developed a hobby (herpetology, in other words a love for snakes) into a volunteer position with a rescue society, which led to a connection/networking contact with someone who got him started in what has proved to be his “calling.” (This exercise has shown me that a real “calling” happens when the ideal signified by the triplicty ruler is in harmony with what is able to be made manifest in or through the bound ruler.)

Currently, the zoo itself is based in our home (and wow, that shows in my chart too!) so yes, working close to home is a reality. And through networking and contacts he has provided animals and been seen on national television with "celebrities."

*additional resources include Vettius Valens, Anthologies, and the sevenstarsastrology blog