Besiegement or collection? Or both?


Well-known member
Here' s another chart I cannot quite understand.

The question was about communication


The early ascendant indicates that the matter is at a too early stage. I should be visiting some colleagues who sent me an invitation letter already. I didn’t bother to organize the trip: I am waiting for them to arrange a few practical things - like accomodation and stuff - before I buy my plane ticket.

Look at the chart. I am signified by Saturn, they are signified by the Moon, and any possible communication is signified by Mars.

Now, besiegement is when a planet is between Mars and Saturn, like the Moon is in this chart. This is one of the strongest indicators of a NO.

Collection of light is when one of the significators separates from a planet and applies to yet a slower planet. In this case, both malefics are significators. The Moon/colleagues - separates from Mars/emails and joins Saturn/me by conjunction………

The zodiacal condition of all significators is less than ideal……

Your comments on this would be appreciated,


Summery Joy

Well-known member
I don't understand why the Moon is beseiged. It is applying to Saturn alright, but it has just separated from Venus, not Mars.

I thought beseigement was when it separated from one malefic and applied directly to the other without perfecting another aspect in between.


Well-known member
It seems that aspects are not important. In Lee's book "Martial art" on page 42 she wrote: If a Significator is between 2 malefics, it is besieged. She do not mentioned aspects, only position of Significator.
Read this article, Moon is besieged:
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Summery Joy

Well-known member
Alright. How about if one of those malefics is an accidental malefic, like a planet in Rx motion? Does it count as beseigement then or does it have to be the two natural malefics, Mars and Saturn? Same question regarding modern malefics, such as Pluto.


Well-known member
Good question. I did not thought about that. All examples about besiegement I saw were about Ma and Sa. Something which I will pay attention in future!