Saturn in Capricorn


Well-known member
What do you think about Saturn in Capricorn?

My personal predictions of Saturn in Sagittarius have come true so far, mainly on a global level, but also personal: I'm a Scorpio, with Sagittarius rising. I don't like the fire of Sagittarius. Too much of this constant energy, fieriness, conflicts, and high strung atmosphere. When I think of Saturn in Sagittarius, I think of war, battle, provocation, and ultimately defeat for all things Sagittarius: immigration, travel, education, work, independence. Because Saturn will beat it all down.

Then comes Saturn in Capricorn... which is really awkward... :tongue:

At first I thought: well, Saturn is going home. Maybe he's going to sleep for a while, rest, and give the world a break. On the other hand, it can mean extreme destruction and oppression. I am worried about Saturn in Capricorn. Here is what I think will happen when Saturn enters Capricorn: It seems to me that it will affect governments in some way, but also hierarchies, leadership and dictators. I think it can go both ways: There will either be a public uprising against governments, or governments will crack down on it's citizens. Saturn in Capricorn in a nutshell: Policing Extremes. I also see conservatism coming back, a more traditional way of living, with the focus on the family again. I hope not, but it seems to be pointing in that direction.

Either way, it won't be pretty if I think of Saturn in Capricorn. The only thing that may prevent problems, is to learn from Saturn in Sagittarius: Maybe Saturn is teaching us to set and defend (personal) limits, borders, and to master our energy better, instead of lashing out and trampling the right of others.

What do you think about Saturn in Capricorn?
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What do you think about Saturn in Capricorn?

My personal predictions of Saturn in Sagittarius have come true so far, mainly on a global level, but also personal: I'm a Scorpio, with Sagittarius rising. I don't like the fire of Sagittarius. Too much of this constant energy, fieriness, conflicts, and high strung atmosphere. When I think of Saturn in Sagittarius, I think of war, battle, provocation, and ultimately defeat for all things Sagittarius: immigration, travel, education, work, independence. Because Saturn will beat it all down.

Then comes Saturn in Capricorn... which is really awkward... :tongue:

At first I thought: well, Saturn is going home. Maybe he's going to sleep for a while, rest, and give the world a break. On the other hand, it can mean extreme destruction and oppression. I am worried about Saturn in Capricorn. Here is what I think will happen when Saturn enters Capricorn: It seems to me that it will affect governments in some way, but also hierarchies, leadership and dictators. I think it can go both ways: There will either be a public uprising against governments, or governments will crack down on it's citizens. Saturn in Capricorn in a nutshell: Policing Extremes. I also see conservatism coming back, a more traditional way of living, with the focus on the family again. I hope not, but it seems to be pointing in that direction.

Either way, it won't be pretty if I think of Saturn in Capricorn. The only thing that may prevent problems, is to learn from Saturn in Sagittarius: Maybe Saturn is teaching us to set and defend (personal) limits, borders, and to master our energy better, instead of lashing out and trampling the right of others.

What do you think about Saturn in Capricorn?

Where are you getting your notions about Saturn in Capricorn, in Domicile, - it's most magnificent place - that you think it will be as bad as you portray it?

Think back, or read back, on 1989 when Saturn was in capricorn and maybe your fears will be mitigated.

It's a 2 - year transit - seldom does IT, alone, cause "extremes".

If anything - it's going to be a 2 year period where all the **** that's broken gets repaired or tossed out.

some examples: Ceaucescu executed, Berlin Wall comes down, Czech's end communism.

It's a time of Cleaning House or setting up new one. Planning for long-term. Establishing new parameters. Reconstruction - disposal of the chaos that has occurred in previous 28 years.
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Well-known member
I would tend to agree with Kitchy in that Saturn's influence will never work better than in its own sign. A necessity after the break down of old structures implemented by tr. Pluto through Capricorn and the re-formation towards new ideas of tr. Uranus's sojourn in Aries. It will even get a positive hold on tr. Neptune through Pisces.
Saturn shows the cause breeds effects results of the past.....whichever way you may care to look at it.

You could say that it is going to bring a stabilising structure back to the many years of the outer planets transiting influence through their signs. Yet it will be a structure based upon the changes that have been instigated since its last visit home. Just look at Brexit and its (world) repercussions for an example. 'Two years on' seems to be a magic wand spell wished already.:smile:

It's a personal view only that Saturn creates 'fear' into those whose position in the natal chart does not work effectively in them. Yet if you look at the outer planet influence, they are like balloons that all need some sort of string to hold them and link them to, and allow them to manifest on Earth. If that string is not there, they fly willy-nilly without direction.
You either love it or hate it. Being tied down does not fit everyone.
In my humble view, Saturn is the string.

It's interesting that after Pluto's annihilation of Capricorn's old ways it only undergoes ONE direct conjunction transit from Saturn in Capricorn in January 2020. One would expect more considering the power in both.
Maybe it will bring the one and only final acceptance that you can't turn the clock back and consolidation of the new times is the best way forward.
Everything takes time with Saturn.:smile:


Well-known member
It will be really interesting to see what happens to all of our Capricorn/triad kids. The ones with the various conjunctions of Saturn/Uranus/Pluto starting from about 28 years ago...:rightful:


Well-known member
We'll see... :biggrin:

I was correct in my Saturn in Sagittarius predictions I did in 2012: massive immigration (Europe), more extreme forms of terrorism, more religious fanaticism and ultimately a beat down by Saturn. Maybe it's simplistic, but it happened. I got laughed at that prediction back in 2012.

So let's see what happens...

I'm think this is going to to unfold:

Goverments will crack down on the issues and problems that arose from Saturn in Sagittarius: halt to immigration, a new war against terrorism, persecution of minorities, extreme right will grow, stricter laws, we're going back to conservatism (Trump), crackdown on citizens, in the worst case: a massive and brutal worldwar between counties where no-one will accept defeat. Governements might come down, or a global government is installed.

I hope not, but that's what I'm seeing in the worst case scenario.

On the flipside (if we all learn from what Saturn tells us in Sagittarius) the world economy will grow, and everyone can be prosperous if we work together. Saturn in Capricorn is hinting at business, responsibility, being held accountable for your actions. Large companies cease to exist, and smaller companies emerge from them. Running a business from home can become popular, self-employment will rise. People will learn to take responsibility for their lives again, and the blame-game ceases.


Well-known member
It seems my "prediction" was mostly correct again. :joyful: I wonder if the rest will turn out correct as well.

My theory is quite simple: Saturn in a sign brings out the worst of that sign, it's testing the sign by giving the sign all the freedom to do what it wants, and once it's tested it, it cracks down on it with either karma or punishment. The punishment is executed by the next sign, because Saturn will give the next sign all the freedom to decide what the appropriate action is.

Scorpio got hit after Saturn LEFT, and Scorpio is currently under the wrath and mercy of Sagittarius. Sagittarius will be hit when Saturn leaves Sagittarius, and next up is Capricorn to teach Sagittarius a lesson.

The next 2-3 years we're going to see everything Capricorn expressed in the extreme. So my prediction was easy: business, immigration halt (Extreme immigration = Saturn in Sagittarius), strict borders, Trump, conservatism, money, stock exchange, growth. etc. etc.

Well, that is my theory. I've been studying Saturn for a long time. And these are my findings. Since I am a Scorpio, I don't care if it doesn't resonate with popular astrology. :D


Well-known member
What do you think about Saturn in Capricorn?

My personal predictions of Saturn in Sagittarius have come true so far, mainly on a global level, but also personal: I'm a Scorpio, with Sagittarius rising. I don't like the fire of Sagittarius. Too much of this constant energy, fieriness, conflicts, and high strung atmosphere. When I think of Saturn in Sagittarius, I think of war, battle, provocation, and ultimately defeat for all things Sagittarius: immigration, travel, education, work, independence. Because Saturn will beat it all down.

Then comes Saturn in Capricorn... which is really awkward... :tongue:

At first I thought: well, Saturn is going home. Maybe he's going to sleep for a while, rest, and give the world a break. On the other hand, it can mean extreme destruction and oppression. I am worried about Saturn in Capricorn. Here is what I think will happen when Saturn enters Capricorn: It seems to me that it will affect governments in some way, but also hierarchies, leadership and dictators. I think it can go both ways: There will either be a public uprising against governments, or governments will crack down on it's citizens. Saturn in Capricorn in a nutshell: Policing Extremes. I also see conservatism coming back, a more traditional way of living, with the focus on the family again. I hope not, but it seems to be pointing in that direction.

Either way, it won't be pretty if I think of Saturn in Capricorn. The only thing that may prevent problems, is to learn from Saturn in Sagittarius: Maybe Saturn is teaching us to set and defend (personal) limits, borders, and to master our energy better, instead of lashing out and trampling the right of others.

What do you think about Saturn in Capricorn?
I'm a Scorpio with Sag Rising too. Most of my chart is in Scorpio/Sag. For that reason alone I'm looking forward to Saturn moving into Capricorn so I can take a breath. The last ~5 years have been life altering in so many ways. I appreciate the lessons learned but I'm ready for Saturn to move on.

But on a collective level I believe we're in store for a ride and not a pretty one for the reasons you stated. Capricorn is rules governments, big business, conservatism, among others so it's no coincidence we have the planet of focus, discipline and hard-work in Capricorn which happens to be its own sign. It makes sense that people all around the world are confronting their governments, many which have more conservative beliefs on how their nation should be.

Saturn is about hard work and discipline so I think we'll see governments work hard to impose their national policies and we'll see opposing forces work just as hard to combat them. But what is more alarming about Saturn's journey through Capricorn is the coming Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12, 2020. The planet of power will only make whatever is coming, more powerfully felt.


I am a Cap Sun and rather looking forward to Saturn in Capricorn. It's my third house, and last time this happened, it gave me a lot of drive and motivation to succeed academically (I was in high school back then). More importantly, there were instant rewards, none of that 'no matter how hard you try things just don't work out or you fall short' business. So, I was basking in it. :) I have lots of lovely planets in the 3rd house and Capricorn (Venus, Mercury, Sun, Jupiter) and a benign Saturn natally, so it just felt like things getting better and better.

david starling

Well-known member
Since I view the current situation as the Earth's Tropical Age of Capricorn, under Saturn's rulership, Saturn's transit into Capricorn is of immense, Mundane importance. The final, culminating stage of this Age of useful technology and extreme materialism will go into high gear, even as the fast-starting, Tropical, Fixed-sign Age of Aquarius begins to take effect. That's the "confusion-factor"--the end results of the Cardinal, materialistic, innovative Age of Tropical Capricorn are being mistaken for the onset of the Aquarian Age, which is about FREEDOM from the restrictions of the Space-Time Continuum.
To add to the confusion, the SIDEREAL Age of Pisces is transitioning into the SIDEREAL Age of Aquarius at the same time. Sidereal Ages are spiritual by nature, whereas Tropical Ages are about the way we live our secular lives. So, a "double dose" of Aquarian Age is in the offing. Meanwhile, we've got to make it through the materialistic end-game of the Tropical Capricornian Age. Fasten your safety-belts!!!
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Well-known member
Hi everyone

I m very new in the astrology , so please forgive me if I m being total non sense

I have been having a very tough time in my job last year, which turn me to astrology

And when I m reading my chart, I have Saturn transit into my 10th house in Capricorn next year march. I saw mix review about Saturn transit into 10 house. Some say promotion , recognition. Some say really difficult time and hard work. I m wondering what is your view?

Your view will be much appreciated
