Lets talk about Karma


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What happens when someone enacting karma, the methodically thought out and aspiring to generate positive change kind rather than the pass off word for vengeance described vaguely as action, gets it wrong and causes harm, would they befall karmic repercussions or are we not bothering to talk properly about the subject?

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Seems to me that karma differs depending on the religion. If you look at the Dalit caste in India you will find them more extremely separated from the wealth of the nation than I have seen in a Buddhist country.
It needn't have to do with corruption but when people with the mindsets for solidifying power attain higher ground and superior influence, it will only slow down sociological progress and cause such things as poverty and suicide
If you're going to threaten someone with suicide as a karmic action at least make sure there's nothing they can figure out to do in order to hinder whatever mechanisms that you use to cause them to take their own life in the first place.
Is it just a sink-hole for energy to ironically talk about spiritual responsibilities like karma in the first place if you're going to go in the other direction and be doing the wrong thing?


Well-known member
What happens when someone enacting karma, the methodically thought out and aspiring to generate positive change kind rather than the pass off word for vengeance described vaguely as action, gets it wrong and causes harm, would they befall karmic repercussions or are we not bothering to talk properly about the subject?


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Strange choice of thread. Enough good people saying the same thing that they have agreed upon is convincing enough to not be considered a waste of time


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If someone were to manipulate you to the extent of your not being able to do anything else esentially, would what they make you do be your own karma?
Furthermore, if you sacrifice your time in order to help people learn more about your environment would you be held karmically accountable for getting put through pressures and degradation of good practices that occurred from that from the perspective of the people that you were helping


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If we're to be held karmically responsible for the effects that people can have on us from the start of our lives then what really is the point in taking religious reprehension seriously.
Christianity seems harsher on people born under certain sun signs than others by the societal structures it creates and there are those that seem to be adversely affected by all religions.
If we're to meditate as children as Buddhism suggests, then what is the point in getting dissuaded from the practice in later life and strained away from anything that hasn't really been the result of our own intentions

It's clear that some states of communication arent to be pervaded in front of everybody, even if they're carried out by those who pretence to do their best for all living beings