should i move to another unit?


Well-known member
The lot of rectitude for the right thing to do falls at 6°58 Cancer conjunct the MC, but this would be at another place (4th from 4th from 4th).

Mars being the most malefic out of sect planet here is right on the dsc, this as well as having moon making a next conjunction with mars shows it would cause you nothing but trouble.

Also Mars by contra antisica (opposition) conjuncts moon.

If you're still having issues and you want to move, then a totally new place from where you are would be the best option.


Well-known member
This isn't really a first and seventh question, as a fourth and seventh.
The 4th house is your current home.
The 7th is the one you would move to.
The 4th is ruled by Saturn, strong by sign but retrograde. It makes no applying aspect before turning direct.
The 7th is ruled by mars, strong by sign, weak by house, but sitting on the cusp of the angular 7th. It is conjunct Chiron.
The next aspect mars makes is an unpleasant square with Pluto, ruler of the 3rd of your neighbours and sitting in your 4th of home.
Between to two, it would seem that the current situation is a better one for you.
Both the cusps of the 2nd of money and the 3rd of neighbours are at 29 degrees of their respective signs, at the end of the road so to speak, about to change.


Well-known member
The new apartment on offer is the 7th house, the 3rd from the 7th represents the neighbours you would have in that apartment, and the environment surrounding it.
The cusp is at 29 degrees taurus, so something is about to change about it.
Venus, ruler of the house, will next square Neptune, in the 12th of the new apartment.
Something not now apparent will show up later.
Mercury, now intercepted in the house, will take over the cusp. Mercury in the chart is retrograde about to turn direct. It squares the 7th cusp now.
Once it turns direct, it's first aspect will be a square to mars, sitting on the cusp of the 7th and ruling the 7th.
If mercury is communication and mars is activity, it looks as though it will become very noisy and irritating once the change happens, which will be soon (it is already at 29 degrees).