The Role of Juno in a SR Chart


Well-known member
Every year, I always look forward to seeing in what sign Juno falls. In my experience over the past three years since I've delved into Solar Returns, I've noticed that I've been attracting people who are in the sign of my SR Juno.

For this year (starting in September), my Juno is in Libra, and it seems like all my possible love interests are cropping up out of nowhere, and they're all Libras!!! The other year, it was Leo.

I just find this really fascinating. As a single guy, this is GREAT. It's like if a Libran pops up in my life now and I pursue that individual romantically, I'm guaranteed to have sex. So from now on, I always pay extreme attention to my yearly Juno sign. It literally is the key to an amazing sex life.


Well-known member
can you help me find where JUNO is in my chart?

i have no sex and really would appreciate experiencing that again.

thank you