1 degree conjunction rahu and 11th lord , good or bad?


Birth details
Ajesh Naidu
london, england

my question is regarding the moons close conjunction to rahu , many have said this is not a good combination as it will affect mental stability, however in relation to the 11th lord how will rahu act?

One astrologer said
rahu will eclipse the moon and damage the dasha? / rahu acts its depositor jupiter in 12th house thereby giving heavy losses?
but another astrologer said it will amplify the 11th lord during the dasha therefore amplifying the 11th house of income and 4th house of property thereby giving lots of income??

with so many contradicting answers I would really appreciate if you could tell me your prediction and please be honest

Hello no need to worry about alot because in 4th house rahu is silent because its a mother house so be happy if you feel you can do the remedy of rahu of 4th house. Best Of Luck.

Mukesh Gupta


Thankyou so much for your reply

How will the moon dasha be? will rahu help amplify the 11th lord or eclipse it?please because this dasha will be starting soon