My astral map: searching for answers


Well-known member
Chiron in Cancer in the 11th house. Yeah... much pain regarding home. The trine to the Moon and somewhat Pluto, intensifies it, cutting through the heart like a laserbeam.

Soon, you will have your Saturn return. Somewhere in 2019-2022... Saturn in Capricorn, trining Mars doesn't seem a happy combo indeed...

Phew... it's heavy. I can almost hear you screaming from here when I tune into it.

So where can we find remedy... ?

I think you have enough of an earthy nature to create stability in your life. Your true node points to Aquarius. Couple this with the wounded healer Chiron in the 11th/Cancer, I think you will find remedy through friendship. Do you have friends? if so, your friends can offer you immense support if you ask it from them. Confide in them, ask them for help. If you do not have friends (unlikely as a Leo!), I would suggest to make some.

It seems to be fated that your healing will occur through friends. Do not ignore this.

Often, Leo's are somehow fated to find their way and path through friendship and partnering. I've seen this countless times. If you have a friend around you who is a water sign, go to this person and ask them for help, advice or simply be around them. Fire(signs) can be quelled/soothed by surrounding it with water(signs).

In addition, I would suggest mediation to you or mindfulness. Even Yoga might help you. Please, do not focus on the negative, because you will attract it to you. Try to seek the positive, no matter how difficult.

When Saturn returns, you must be prepared and ready. Saturn will test you, and I don't want to induce a self-fulfilling prophecy, but Saturn can be tough, much tougher than usual. But this period is a great period of learning, in this period you will come into adulthood, and your identity will really crystallize. Growth is painful, but life after 30 will get better if you keep faith. I promise. (Sooooo much better!) Saturns visit is like a threshold, a doorstep into another doorway. And if you pas it unscathed, you will be rewarded. With unscathed I mean: make use of your karma, or action right now. Do none harm, and none harm you (no more.) let your heart be your moral compass and Saturn will gleefully move out of your way. But do the opposite, and Saturn will tear everything apart. If you pass 30, you're good for another 30. :biggrin:

So to counteract Saturn, do the above. Confide in friends now, because they may go when Saturn visits. Learn all you can from them, before you embark on a new journey/cycle and withdraw a little. Confide in them, and do not deceive them or take that friendship for granted. I do see a bright future, but it takes time. Patience is key.

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