Saturn has got me good


Well-known member
So I’m feeling completely doused in heavy water here some Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea nonsense. From my chart you can see I have a decent touch of fire. This really helped me navigate my late teens and my early 20’s but these days all I do is feel like a victim. Dealt with transiting Saturn in my 5th and the square to my venus/10th ruler. Im currently experiencing Saturn square my Taurus mc. In the not so distant future I can expect Transiting Saturn to square my sun and my Saturn return is on the horizon.

Nobody likes a victim. I feel inundated by my own insecurities, I’m tired all the time, my inner determination (Mars/Pluto in my chart) is becoming a feature that holds me back. Before I had drive and conviction;my fixed energy was a force behind the standards I held myself to in pursuit of something better. I moved towards something I felt I owed myself.

Now I’m both inundated by the past, disappointed in my origins, entranced by it’s illusionary powers, and nostalgic for it. Something has changed in me. I feel limited to one lopsided part of myself and my natal chart. I feel stuck. Like I’m on a treadmill, speedily going dark places in my mind and few places else.

I feel stuck reliving the past and auditing how the past shapes the terms of my future life. I feel completely without hope or aspirations. I’ve always been emotionally sensitive with Pisces moon but I had so much energy and optimism before, where’s now I feel like moldy cardboard fusing into the fibers of the surrounding environment. No matter how angry I seem to get with myself it’s not enough to get my *** into gear.

It may help to know that While I’ve been managing and living with it my entire life, I now have hard concrete evidence and diagnoses of the early natal and genetic brain trauma (Neptune square mercury) that I felt I had growing up. What are the correlations with big &slow transiting planets today and my natal chart? Where did my get up and go, go? I feel tied up by my hyper awareness of my super egos criticisms and the criticisms of others. I don’t feel like there’s anything within me to want to celebrate life as I had before.

If this is Saturn transiting square my venus and then my MC why does it feel like my Pisces stuff is being triggered? How is my fixed Taurus mc and eventually my chart ruled Taurus sun going to be effected by the upcoming square? Is it possible that things are about to get a little heated up and motivational again with transiting Pluto sextile my natal Mars? What little helpers are there to help me get my spirits up again? I will post any additional charts you request.

As always thanks for your time


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Well-known member
YOu are putting a lot of blame on Saturn! I think you have to refocus your attention to other heavy planets.
For instance: transit Pluto.....really hard....and square your Venus. The information about your head didn't really go into that. What are the details there? Because your finding out would have to fall into the Pluto square Venus category.

Venus also rules your MC and so your self esteem or at least your self image or your public image is suffering. But Uranus is conjunct that you have to get out of that mind set of being a victim. Uranus is TRINE your Jupiter. And will be for quite a while.

Your Saturn return will be sextile your Mercury. Very powerful. And as it moves on it will sextile your rebuilding a lot of what is being tossed around now.

Also as Uranus moved on (IN your 10th house....really powerful) it will eventually trine your Uranus and Neptune in the 6th.

I think you need to study basic transits further. Because you are attributing to Saturn problems and issues which are coming from other planets.

You may want to post your solar return chart for this coming year (2020-2021).

And/or your progressed chart.

As someone who also has Saturn in the 7th in an air sign, it is difficult. It means that the rules and issues from the original "authority figures" in your life have a lot of power, still. YOu need to meditate on these things from the past; and whatever you can change, do so. But what you cannot change - let go.



Well-known member
You, like many of us, are going through a handful of difficult transits. Like Lin said, this is definitely not all on Saturn...some of the main ones I see from a quick glance:

1) Transit Pluto square your Natal Venus
- This one is very important. How you view love, beauty and relationships will change over the course of these few years, and you're nearing the exact aspect. This transit's intense for anyone.

2) Transit Uranus crossing over your Taurus MC into your 10th:
- Another very important one. Taurus (along with Scorpio) tends to have a lot "packed away" inside as a Fixed Earth sign, but is not as in-touch with it as Scorpio. Uranus brings stark change and unexpected events, and is about as far away from the steady, anti-change mentality of Taurus as any planet. I've seen this transit really mess up a few people with early Taurus placements, as Uranus often causes events that dig up whatever was hidden, and Taurus people often have quite a bit. I know an incredibly successful career-woman who has a Taurus Moon at 1degree (opposite Scorp Pluto) and she's had a full-fledged mental breakdown when Uranus passed over her Moon (with no prior history of mental illness, and she's in her mid-30s). But I'm not trying to scare you -- that's an extreme example. But your external identity and public persona (10th H) are bound to change during this period.

3) Transit Pluto/Saturn transiting your 6th
- Which ever house these two are transiting for you will experience quite a bit of change, as we are all dealing with these two causing chaos in our charts (with Jupiter/Mars there too now).

4) Transit Saturn square your IC/MC axis
- This causes major questions about both your family/background and career path. Pluto will come through and pass over in a few years as well.

5) Transit Neptune approaching your Natal Mars
- Hasn't happened yet.


The difficult transits I'm facing have only gotten better the less I fight it (and be less hard on myself). Try to be patient with yourself and address/think about the dilemmas you face...maybe with a professional.

I think in some sense, we're all being forced to spend more time with ourselves and feelings.


Well-known member
As Outer Planet said,
Trying to not to fight the outer energy too much. It takes a lot out of you and if their message is important, if you are supposed to learn the lesson, fighting will just make you tired.

Attribution is really vital in understanding the transits. Which means you need to understand the dynamics of EACH outer planet.
That's how you really learn astrology. Understand the dynamics of each planet and each aspect.

Pluto doesn't give you choices. Things just happen. Uranus will cause events and all you can do is control YOUR reaction and make personal decisions which will make the outcome better or worse.

But Neptune is the real problem. It is the planet of deception and the planet that allows you to question our own perceptions. It rules denial, avoidance, addiction, fantasy and guilt. You don't even know you are drowning before you are almost too far gone. Learn how Neptune operates in general and in your own chart.


Well-known member
Hello Brea,

in 2020, the transits that concern you (excluding those of Mercury) are:
- Saturn to Venus.
- Jupiter to Pluto, Uranus, Neptune & Saturn.
- Mars to Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto.
- Venus at Moon, Sun, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune.
NB: the transit of Pluto to Mars as well as the transit of Neptune to Saturn, Uranus & Neptune are not to be retained.

In 2021, the transits that will concern you (excluding those of Mercury) will be:
- Saturn to Moon, Mercury & Sun.
NB:The transit of Pluto at Venus will not be significant for you.

You really need to know all of these interpretations to give yourself the best chance.

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