Need help comparing my and gf charts!


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Just FYI,

Comparative relationship analysis is the most time consuming of all the astrology work. The professional astrologer must first do a full analysis of both charts, and then meticulous detailed analysis of the comparison between charts. There is lots of information and what is important and what is there but not really important cannot always be seen instantly. While someone may be willing to do that kind of work for you here, in the real world this kind of work costs upwards of $300US---a little less than the cost of buying Solar Fire Gold 8.0(one of the premier astrology programs in the world).

So be aware that we cannot just dash it off quickly for you. A few quick brushstrokes might be something you could get quickly, but even that is going that take some enterprising astrologer at least 30 minutes of their time.



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You could help the group by sharing what parts of your relationship that you are not so sure about. This would allow some limiting of the analysis and make it easier.

You would not have asked the question if you didn't have concerns, since wild falling in love usually ignores all the faults of the other. So perhpas a little bit of explaining wold go a long way....

BTW, thanks for your nice caring asking. You are much more likely to get a response with that than people who come in and make demands.