The star algol


Well-known member
So I was watching a video regarding the evil demon star algol. This is the star of medusa; a beautiful virgin who worshipped athena, but was later turned into a monster after Peseuidan raped her in athena's temple. Athena was the one who turned her.

Apparently moon conjunct Algol is said to cause a violent death.

I have moon conjunct Algol in the eighth house. My moon is at a wide opposition with pluto and I'm scared of the way I'm going to die.

Any other information and experiences?

dr. farr

Well-known member
Although I probably am one of the most enthusiastic advocates here on AW for taking the stars into consideration (when delineating a chart) as a very important consideration ("Fixed Star Farr":sideways:), I must warn less advanced students NOT to take many of the drastic indications of stars, given in the older literature, LITERALLY: its better to take the more reasonable indications literally, but to take the more dramatic indications BY ANALOGY; further, more modern indications for many of the stars are less drastic, and I refer here to the works of D. Rosenberg, "Secrets of the Ancient Skies", Morse's "The Living Stars", and Kidston's "Magic of the Stars"...

Remember too that it is the TOTALITY OF INFLUENCES (including star influences) upon a planet or other horoscopic point, that COUNTS, it is NEVER just 1 astrological indication in isolation that "causes" anything:biggrin:!


Active member
Donald Trump has his natal Midheaven in 24º18' Taurus set to Algol, which in 1946 was next to 25th Taurus, square Mars in 26º46' Leo.


Well-known member

Although I probably am one of the most enthusiastic advocates here on AW for taking the stars into consideration (when delineating a chart) as a very important consideration ("Fixed Star Farr":sideways:), I must warn less advanced students NOT to take many of the drastic indications of stars, given in the older literature, LITERALLY: its better to take the more reasonable indications literally, but to take the more dramatic indications BY ANALOGY; further, more modern indications for many of the stars are less drastic, and I refer here to the works of D. Rosenberg, "Secrets of the Ancient Skies", Morse's "The Living Stars", and Kidston's "Magic of the Stars"...

Remember too that it is the TOTALITY OF INFLUENCES
(including star influences) upon a planet or other horoscopic point, that COUNTS,
it is NEVER just 1 astrological indication in isolation that "causes" anything:biggrin:!

Definitely important to highlight the totality of influences dr. farr