General Reading.

Hi guys, I'm new to the forum and I would be incredibly grateful if someone could give me an in-depth reading of my chart please. I'm mostly interested in my career and love life.

Thank you in advance for any readings, I'd be more than happy to give you feedback on what you've said also if you want.


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This is a public forum. You want a professional astrologer, who would normally chart $300 for what you want, to just suddenly do it all for free, for some person with only one post here.

Contrary to popularly opinion we are not paid for the hors we spend here. its at the goodness of our hearts.

As a friend who no longer posts here once said:

"This is a very broad question. It's like asking "So, what are the main causes of WWII, and what are some of the basic highlights of the war and the results of it?" and then expecting a five minute answer."


P.S. : you have a rounded birth time. Almost no one is born on the hours or half hour.

P.S.S.: Please use a chart that we can read:

How to post a chart:


Well-known member
while the chart is not what we are accustomed to seeing, it still shows a tension creating t-square that could be problematic, relating to the pursuit of a career; Jupiter at the MC, opposing Saturn with an intersecting Venus, which might be something to know about beforehand. In order to elaborate though, we would need to see the appropriate chart from, showing the natal chart with current transits...
Sorry, I didn't realise I was asking for so much. In that case can we just talk about my career and love life? Here's the chart you wanted instead also. Apologies again!

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Well-known member
Thanks for re-posting:
As mentioned the t-square can stand in the way of growth through career, and that may have to do with problems in socialization or perhaps relating to marital difficulties [Venus/7th ] The essence of Jupiter is typically expressed through confidence and justice, however the t-square will tend to modify that: you may suffer from issues of low self-esteem and lack of confidence linked to your past childhood programming via the parents.

Thus it is important to resolve the internal conflicts that can potentially thwart your ambitions and goals, making it difficult to succeed in the outer world. Saturn in the 4th H suggests an authoritarian rule under the parents in childhood, thus producing a sense of limitation or restriction that needs to be overcome. It will be important for you to really get a sense of who and what you are, in order to break the blockages you encounter. Otherwise they will just continue to repeat over and again, which can sometimes cause an endless loop that can create much frustration and resentment.

Venus in Taurus tells us that you value material things and monetary resources in order to feel good about yourself. You expect to have the resources that you need in order to provide stability and security in your domestic environment, however that too may be blocked by the opposition. Venus/Saturn often relates to low self esteem, in turn contributing to financial and social hardships which will have their impact on your marriage; or perhaps the marriage will be problematic to your ambitions and goals.
To offset these potential difficulties it will be important for you to be self-aware and attentive to resolve these inner problems from the past.

It is largely our inner frame of reference that create the circumstances we find ourselves in...your Sun in Aries needs to be kept in balance, so as not to come across as domineering, bombastic or combative, in view of the Mars/Sun affliction also shown in the chart.
Your Venus energies can also contribute to stubbornness, belligerence or undue arrogance, which only sets up resistance in others, contributing to social difficulties and conflict.

There is so much information available in the chart, thus it helps if you can address your post with more specific questions on the things you really want to know about yourself or your situations, and address one thing at a time. What would you be most interested in doing as a career, given the choice?
Ideally my career would involve creativity and technology. I'd also like to avoid monotony.

I'm currently at University studying Graphic Design with web/app design animation & film etc. I did very well during my first year but in 2nd year I stumbled into depression due to those around me having very negative energies towards me. There was a lot of misunderstanding and malice from them, I'm not entirely sure what their motivations were but I believe that envy had something to do with it. It was a difficult time, but I've distanced myself from those people and I'm reattempting that year now but my drive and ability to find pleasure in activities has been somewhat subdued making it difficult to keep focused and motivated..

I like the idea of being self-employed but I don't think I have the self-discipline to run a business myself, I'd like some job security. I don't see myself as very good with things such as time keeping and administrative tasks- I find my strengths lay with a quick mind and creative problem solving plus an eye for aesthetics tied in with a bit of perfectionism.

My home life was a little bit stifling. I had demanding and over-protective parents. I got a little bit more freedom when my father moved to Jamaica when my parents divorced when I was 13 (We moved to the UK when I was a baby) and I've only seen him once since then. My prime carers since then were my mother and eldest sister. Although I did go a little wild during my mid to late teens, much to my mother's dismay.


Well-known member
With Jupiter in Leo at the MC, and the Sun in the 5th H, creative endeavors would certainly be in order for you. As the Sun rules the MC and Jupiter rules the 2nd, this shows the potential for being able to earn a good income from what you do. Your Mars in Gemini definitely wants to avoid boredom and monotony, so you do want something that stimulates your creativity.

Since Mars rules your 6th H squaring the Sun, this contributed to the enmity you have encountered and yes it could have to do with resentment or power issues. Sun in Aries can show competitive tendencies, or at least make you appear overly competitive. Even if you don't show this on the surface level, others perceptions can make it seem like you are competing with them. In that regard you may need to work on modifying your Aries energy so as to change how others respond to you. In that regard it would help to channel your leadership skills in more helpful ways.

Scorpio rising also contributes to malice from others, since others can perceive you as having secret agendas or hidden motives.
I don't think you need much career counselling, as it seems that you are where you are supposed to be; alas it is the social relationships that seem to be troublesome for you.

Again that demands that you become more aware of how your personality projection affects others, and be attentive to how your own actions create negativity from others.
That part of your life requires much more analysis according to the delineations involved, particularly: Mars sq Sun, and the t-square. The t-square does make you prone to depression, and there was probably some trigger to that when you underwent the depression you mention.

The 'running wild you experienced in the teen years is very much tied into the Saturn opposition occurring at the time, in an effort to try and balance the primary opposition between Saturn and Jupiter.
Also the Moon's connection with Uranus/Neptune can also generate troubles for you.
This all makes sense, thank you.

I can see what you mean about Scorpio rising giving people doubt in it. Personally, I think I'm quite an honest person, however quite often I have been accused of lying or harboring secrets. I'm a private person, but I rarely lie. I usually keep my opinions to myself unless I have put a lot of thought into an issue and have strong convictions about it. I guess people sense with me that there is more beneath the surface than I show, but they assume the negative, unfortunately.

What sort of troubles would the Moon's connection with Uranus and Neptune give me?

Also, finally, what could you tell me about my future love life?

Once again, thank you for your responses, they mean a lot.


Well-known member
Yes that is exactly what I feel my own Scorpio Rising is like...but we're not that bad, are we...
As per the Moon/Uranus-Neptune: this too can make you something of an enigma to others. The Moon represents our past conditioning, especially the relationship with the mother. These impressions are carried along with you into the future and can have an lingering impact on the way you react to emotional situations. The duo can create a lot of confusion, as well as unpredictability to your own moods which can cause misunderstandings in others. You need to develop a sensitivity to the collective, while at the same time creating your own personal individuality.

Moon in Gemini is subject to good adaptive abilities and versatility, but at the same time can be notoriously restless and impulsive, so with your Mars aligned with the Moon, you need to be more attentive to your actions, or rather what triggers your actions.
You have a strong need to communicate with others and connect on the mental level, but you need to make sure that you do not trivialize the ideas of others, or try to out-talk them with superficial chatter.

When you see an opportunity for love, you are apt to pursue it ardently without hesitating to act; the Aries energy wants to seize every chance for excitement and adventure, however sometimes it may be more about the chase itself than the actual capture. Your Gemini Moon can tend to get involved with more than one partner at a time, so that you can make comparisons.
Yet with Pisces governing the 5th H you can at times be more sentimental and romantic with someone you feel may be akin to a soul-mate; someone who really understands you and allows you to express your true compassion and kindness, although they may wish to share emotions at a much deeper level than you are really comfortable with. Still Scorpio is also a deep and penetrating energy that is more interested in plunging to the depths of the secrets and mysteries of life. Again it is about the necessity of balancing between that, and having the Sun in a fire sign. Often times Pisces is more about the mystery and intrigue of romance, rather than the exploration of true and abiding love. There can be more idealism, than practicality when it comes to matters of love.

You do have positive support for your Sun [Identity/sense of self] with Jupiter and Saturn so that may help to offset the tension of the primary opposition between the two.
Of course there is much more information about relationships and love in the chart, which an in-depth analysis would reveal. The question is whether you really want to dig that deep, and whether this area of life is problematic for you.
I do feel that I have a poor ability to see how others view me. I feel very 'inwards looking out' if that makes any sense to you. Also, I find my appearance often catches people off-guard as people initially think of me as an extrovert and are surprised to know at what depth I actually think about things and hence I have opinions on things they often wouldn't suspect.

While I do like communication, I'm not particularly fond of small talk, it's not a strong point of mine. Idle chit-chat often makes me feel like I am wasting time and makes me wish I was doing something more engaging. I'm more of a quality than quantity person, and that can make socializing hard at time especially if I'm not feeling energetic enough to play the extrovert role. I suppose that can make me seem intense, or dismissive/uninterested.

I do feel somewhat sensitive to the emotions of others. Although they may often respond to things in a way which I couldn't predict. I often feel like I 'feel' the emotions of others within myself and I'm very good at picking up on body language and reading in between the lines of what people say. People are not very good at keeping secrets from me. I feel I understand more about people than they realise. I have times where I can be misanthropic because I see the flaws in others easily and I am very selective to who I would spend considerable time with. Despite this, I try to be outwardly friendly to everyone, and I don't judge people for being different / having their own tastes etc unless their morals or ideals directly go against mine.

When it comes to romance, I don't actively seek out casual encounters but if they come my way, I don't have a problem with them. I'm somewhat judgmental of those who dismiss sensuality and see sex as scratching an itch so to speak or have an excess of casual encounters though- I often pick up that they do these things out of insecurity and other factors which shows some of their personality traits in a negative light.

I do seek a soul-mate in terms of someone who I could truly open up to and be understood. People like this are difficult to find however, and require me to find people with somewhat esoteric interests in things like philosophy and science for me to be able to really engage my mind with. I cannot bond with someone whose interests lie in reality TV or whatever.


Well-known member
thanks for sharing your story...sounds like the Moon in Gemini is outweighed by your Scorpio Rising...often that Moon sign can be highly chatty and superficial in communications with others...