where is my cat called Lumi ?


today, this morning my girlfriend told me that one of my cats whom I call Lumi is missing... I want to find it cause I raised it and afterall it is my cat...so if you guys can provide some advice where I can find it or where should I look for it...I would apreciat, maybe if some of you will help me and I will find the cat I will send some money to your bank account


  • astro_2gw_where_is_my_cat_called_lumi_.81011.262933.jpg
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I am awful at reading horary charts, but I'm going to put in my two-cents just because I know how stressful loosing a cat is and, maybe this well help.

I think they could be exploring the neighborhood? Leo (cats) is ruling over the ninth house which is long-distance travel, but leos ruler, the sun, is in the 4th house, so I do think Lumi might be near by.

Advice that helped me when my cat left: Don't leave out food, just shake the bag and call their name pretty often. I left food out for my cat while they were missing and it led to them just staying out an extra few days -__-
I really hope you find them!!!


Well-known member
Lumi is nearby, quick and easy to find.
Lumi can be near sandy or hilly ground, Lonely places. If Lumi is at house check near the ceiling, The roof and roof space. Outside, near or in stables, near plowed land. Look for Lumi at where heat and iron are used or restaurants or old peoples home. Direction: North
Good luck!
(I am not interested in money, I just want to help you to find Lumi!)
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