When will my package arrive?


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I ordered a new astrology program and its coming from another country. When will it arrive?


Ok, the 29 virgo rising is a very late degree, and yes, I cannot do anything to alter the situation, so it is an appropriate degree. It doesn't mean I can't read it, because the program is still coming and I still need to know when.

If I use the 9th house, as the 3rd from the 7th, that would be Venus. This is the mailing from the 'other person' represented by the 7th house. Venus is conjunct the Asc, applying by 4.5 degrees. I think this just means that it's on my mind. Maybe we could use Mercury as the natural significator of mail. It too is conjunct the Asc, by just over 3 degrees. Same thing. I don't know if we can use them as timers, but I think I'll have to, since the moon is too far away to use at 9 Cancer. Ok, Venus at 4.5 degrees away would make it Saturday, and there is no mail here on Sat. Merc at 3 degrees would make it Friday. So, guess I'll have to go with Friday.

Or, i could use the ruler of the 3rd house as signifying computer programs..which would be mars. Gads, so i have to wait until merc, me, conjuncts mars?? That would be 8 degrees, and merc has to change signs in order to do it.


will let you know
barbh :)
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Well-known member
Hmmm. I always like timing ones, even if I get them wrong!:p It's good practice.

I think the 4.5 degrees might mean something longer...like weeks...The Moon applies to Saturn, slowing things down, before meeting Venus, and I wonder whether the package, Venus, might not be damaged, being in the 'damaged' 12th house in fall. It depends on which 'foreign country' you mean (the US?;) ) as well, for timing, unless it's being FedExed. Mercury has just separated from Venus...I wonder whether this shows that the package is already in transit?

In any case, the ascendant is very VERY late, which makes the whole chart iffy, IMO. Not unreadable, just iffy.

If you get the package on Monday, I'll be surprised. But I like surprises.;)



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Well hello there AG

Yep, you're right, the package is already in transit. I ordered it from Alabe on Thursday from Massachussets (I'm in Canada), and chose the 'middle' postage rate, which Madalyn said should be 5 days or so...give or take. Hmmmm. I'm a little worried about that give or take. 5 business days would be this thurs the 28th, so fri the 29th would make sense of that 4.5 day thing. If it's weeks, then i'll be one unhappy astrologer :( I wish i had just taken the plunge and got the express rate...even if it was 30 bucks! Aries are so not good at waiting......

At least we'll get the answer sooner than later...
barbh :)


Well-known member
Aries are so not good at waiting.....

As a Sadge with an Aries moon, I am very sympathetic.:p

OK, Massachusetts to Vancouver would make 'weeks' a bit ridiculous, unless the postal system has worsened. Let's try the 'days' route and see whether Saturn gets in the way as I think it will. I do worry about Venus in fall...but perhaps being in Virgo just reinforces the 'Venus is beholden to being in transit'.

Feh, I'm just guessing at this point.:D



Well-known member
Moon is in 10th H and in it's ruler. Good. Opp of Jupiter which is in the 4th house (end of matter) and will end retro next week. So that is what I'd say... next week. I'm still an amateur but hey... git'n better.
V/r LionKing:sunny:


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Nope, not yet. We don't get mail here today since its a stat holiday... Labour Day. I did another horary this morning and it showed quite clearly 1 degree. The moon applying to conjunct the ruler of the 9th in the 1st in 1 degree....moon to venus...so I'm hoping it's one day and not one week.
Will report back tomorrow.

thanks :)


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So, it came yesterday! My 2nd horary was correct then, as it was one day. But what about the first horary? The package arrived exactly 7 days from the 1st horary. Where do we get 7 days from the chart? I get that Saturn made it delayed, but still, we should get something more exact than just delayed. One way would be to say that pluto, which we're not supposed to use, rules the 3rd of computer programs, and conjuncts the IC, or my house, or end of the matter, in 1 degree...hence one week.
Can't see it otherwise....

barbh :)


Well-known member
I have no idea where the week comes from. Maybe it's a compromise...it was supposed to be 4.5 or 5 days....but Saturn slowed it down. Heh. Frawley himself mentioned in The Horary Textbook that timing is an imperfect science.
