23' Aries sun+7' Scorpio moon+29' Pisces Jupiter


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''the Sun in 23° Aries (23° longitude), the Moon in 7° Scorpio (217° longitude), or Jupiter in 29° Pisces (359° longitude).''

The wikipedia article on Astrological Sign has this astrological alignment as an example of degrees a planet is on, and I had to urge to find out when it exactly happened (never had, never will), but here's what I found: April 14-15, 1865 was when this alignment happened, actually Jupiter in 29' Sagittarius, the two days when US president Abraham Lincoln was shot and died the next day, considering the ascendant on his death was 29' Pisces (another sign ruled by Jupiter). Lincoln was born on Feb. 12, 1809 - an Aquarius sun - 6 days until the sun enters Pisces and Sagittarius or Capricorn moon (cusp? or data varies by many astrologers). The sun and Jupiter in tropical, while the moon in Scorpio is sidereal (25' behind 1' Sagittarius) and the ASC could be sidereal as well.

The alignment might indicate when the world will absolutely end: 23' Aries is a malefic degree (about heavy burdens), 7' Scorpio is a part of death (vs. 8' or 9' Scorpio the part of birth) and 29' Pisces is the very ending of the astrological year (before 0-1' Aries). Humanity on earth exists for a limited time, so this degree placement combination of sun, moon and Jupiter will eventually happen in the future, but long after humanity as we know it has went extinct or evolved into another species. A historical date like Lincoln's assassination in the end of the civil war (Apr 1861-Apr 1865) was a hallmark event in American history.