Capricorn woman Chart Reading!

Hello all, I am a a 24 year old woman born on January 14th, 1993 around 7:30 pm GMT (not quite sure about the exact minute but it is around 7:30). I was born in Mohammedia, Morocco and have never had my chart read and frankly I do not understand how to fully read it myself and would LOVE to have someone read it for me.

Thank you SO MUCH already for anyone who would give me some time. Have a nice day :wink: !


Hello all, I am a a 24 year old woman born on January 14th, 1993 around 7:30 pm GMT (not quite sure about the exact minute but it is around 7:30). I was born in Mohammedia, Morocco and have never had my chart read and frankly I do not understand how to fully read it myself and would LOVE to have someone read it for me.

Thank you SO MUCH already for anyone who would give me some time. Have a nice day :wink: !

I can only find Mohammedia in Algeria not morocco????
Thank you so much, looking forward to it. If possible for u to have some pointers abt the guy I have been with for some time now born 30th March 1988 in Tunis, Tunisia at around 10 a.m GMT+1 (the time is not for sure here). Thank you so much.


hi CapriSoukaina

your composite chart with your beau shows a venus/mars/eris stellium. this gives a very loving and sensitive affection between you. with eris includes, they sexual passion is enhanced but theses passions can lead to over possessiveness and jealousy if not controlled. Eros is square to this stellium, again increasing the physical/sexully attraction between you. this is extremely romantic. With psyche sextile to eros, there is a almost spiritual/physical attraction. your love is like children who have felt affection and love for the first time.

mercury is sextile to eris/venus/mars which gives an open and easy communication about you feeling of love and life in give interesting and joyous conversations.

the sun is conjunct to ceres and these are square to juno giving a supportive and nurturing energy between you. these forces tend toward a feeling of commitment and marriage I you.

the moon is sextile to Jupiter which is another aspect that can show a serious/committed relationship may develop . the moon is also trine to Saturn and Saturn is opposed to Jupiter. the time of moon/Saturn give you and he very good compatibility. this is a stabilize energy , if other aspects bring you together .this pattern is favorable for your economic situation even though ixion is also sextiel to the moon which cab show there is some misgiving between your families. but these misgivings are not enough to block your relationship

there are a few of aspects that could be problematic in this chart.
mercury is square to pluto which shows thatthough you have good communication on social and emotional matters, there are deeper issues which are not talked about. this can lead to unexpected silence and/or distance if these "hidden" issues are approached inadvertently.
these feeling of unspoken emotional issues is also shows by sedna square to orcus. the midpoint od this square is square to the moon, the implication is that there have childhood experiences that made it a bit difficult for you to trust or accept affection from others. orcus indicates that these childhood experiences may be blocked from your conscious mind but may still affect how you relate to others on a intimate level.

the most potentially disruptive aspect is the Jupiter/Uranus midpoint being square to the eris/venus/mars conjunction . though this shows the passionate love between you, Jupiter/Uranus bode a broken marriage if either of you are not really ready to settle down with one mate.

I think this last potential problem must be considered closely because both the mars/Neptune and venus/Neptune midpoints are conjunct the sun, which suggest that both of you are uncertain whether a marriage or commitment would last.



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Thank you so much for a response. I would also like to know about my chart alone seperate from another mate, and if possible with another man born November 13th, 1993. (donno the time) Thank u so much for ur response. It is highly appreciated.