Composite progression—Moon just hit AC, is this the beginning?


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Ok so tl;dr: composite progressed moon just into H1 Cancer.. but applying opp. to Cap 7H Venus.. good or bad?

Extra info.......

I met this guy 5 years ago and we had this connection that was fire but never got traction.. but I felt it could develop in the future.

Well, we’ve suddenly got back in touch (although he’s in another country). I don’t know if everybody’s just lonely in isolation but it has been intense and beautiful. I looked at a couple of charts to see if I could understand the energy; I’m a bit wary about men right now and this connection was already very Uranian..

I saw that as soon as our progressed composite Moon hit the AC, we started talking again, and it was like pulling the door back between us, and being hit with floodlights. He’s so much warmer now. Our progressed moon has moved so far in 5 years from Taurus to lovely caring Cancer. Venus is in the 7H too, however — in Cap, and Moon is applying to an opposition.

Um so anyway I was wondering.. Could this be the start of something? Or are the squares and opposition too much
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