What type of relationship do they have that she's not aware of?


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What type of relationship do they have that she's not aware of?

Third party question from one of my Tarot querents.

It's ambiguous in Tarot, I am getting a very drastic change in their union [death] along with a strong attachment [devil]
but can't pin point what they are....
thought horary might shed light but I see so many aspects! makes sense with that devil.

L1, he's L7

No direct aspect between L1 and L7
but perhaps translation of light? (which I am still new to)
Neptune on L7 does point to some sort of hiding something about their union
L7 in House 5th her house of fun but his house of friends
L1 in House 6th, his 12th of mystery
both in Saturn

I would say perhaps some sexual union, cheating or something
