So sad and lonely....


Active member
JerryRR- Thank you! I have looked into Chiron in the 7th house. This makes a lot of sense as it is associated with emotional wounds we recieve early on in our lives, and feeling rejection in relationships. I did have quite a few emotional wounds growing up which I think maybe why I am quick to feel rejected in relationships.

Also, this placement suggests defensiveness in partnerships and fear of opening up oneself up to a partnership as well as a tendency to bend over backwards to be fair with a partner. ---This is very right on! I do have a hard time opening myself up in relationships as I am not willing to get hurt. This combined with Venus ruling my 12th house means I have a hard time letting myself be able to be vulnerable to another person.


Active member

I also notice that your Jupiter also has few true aspects - one being a square to Neptune, which can lead to a lot of dreaming and longing, and not much real action. You can tend to having quite elaborate ideals and dreams for yourself.

I do believe I dream and long, however, I am definitely one who goes for what they want. When I say something, I do it.

I do have elaborate dreams and ideals for myself.

As far as the term "soulmate" I do know that it is a highly romanticized notion and that there are several people in life that we can be very happy with. I just wish to find one of them.

Astrodawn- Thank you for your sympathy and understanding!

C0rnholio- I am definitely not planning on jumping into any relationships in the near future. I want to work on myself and my future right now.


Well-known member
JerryRR- Thank you! I have looked into Chiron in the 7th house. This makes a lot of sense as it is associated with emotional wounds we receive early on in our lives, and feeling rejection in relationships. I did have quite a few emotional wounds growing up which I think maybe why I am quick to feel rejected in relationships.

Also, this placement suggests defensiveness in partnerships and fear of opening up oneself up to a partnership as well as a tendency to bend over backwards to be fair with a partner. ---This is very right on! I do have a hard time opening myself up in relationships as I am not willing to get hurt. This combined with Venus ruling my 12th house means I have a hard time letting myself be able to be vulnerable to another person.
I would completely agree with the first paragraph. When I was little I thought everyone would love me just like my mama did, LOL. And this is probably how I got hurt.

But I would completely disagree with your second paragraph. Your defensiveness comes from your Venus in Cancer, or perhaps from your ascendant, or perhaps from being a girl, LOL! I have a Chiron in the 7th house and I have no fear of relationships or opening up to people in personal relationships. It always seems to be worth it to open up, even if it would lead to getting hurt. To me benefits outweigh the costs.


Well-known member
Hi, Erika!
Thank you very much for your feedback!:happy:
As your Venus - the planet of desire, pleasure and excess in these matters - is located in Cancer squarring the Moon in the 11th, could it be that you are always fighting (scorpios like this:whistling:) against a sort of "pregnancy" taken in a symbolic way? And that you are almost feeling like a "little girl", when deep sentiments are coming up?

Well, I don't really know what you mean by a symbolic pregnancy.
S, I will explain.
If you'll have some new ideas what to do and to create, for example to write a book or all things what you want to do - this will be your "pregnancy-state". You're thinking about, trying to find the ways and so on. Then it could happen that in your background all knowing critics of all these people living in your mind can arise so that finally you abstain and refrain from doing it. That's what I mean with "prenancy " taken in a symbolic way.

The main thing what flashes to me in your replies, that 1) you are afraid from your own emotions - just as so much, will not say every (!) people are.:crying: That's the most hurt for you (and all the others :wink:)
Therfore 2) running away is quite naturally - but not a behaviour to maintain.
And again, 3) therefore you want to order to your life, what have to happen ...., but, please, remember, that we are human and not gods.
So, as you mean it
I am definitely not planning on jumping into any relationships in the near future. I want to work on myself and my future right now.
working on yourself isn't incompatible to meet your soulmate, will say your love.
Relaxe in this matter, just as "wait and see and in the meanwhile drink a cuppy of tea". That's not a joke ..
Where do you meet spiritual teachers- a coffee shop? :smile:
It's a question of time, when your mind is ready to find him, then you'll chose him; but he is already waiting for you, I am sure. And then you'll understanding the sense of all your suffering, and that it is a good thing in the end.



Active member
Whatever the cause for my defensiveness in relationships, I am ready to stop it. The good thing about astrology is that it shows us how we may be acting (our tendencies) thus allowing for us the opportunity to change. Although I am not going to run out and look for a mate, I do know that when one comes along, I am going to do my very best to be open, to connect, and to allow myself to fall in love. :wink:


Active member
Thank you Sunny!
I will definitely work on not running away from people just because they may hurt me---they are human just as I am. My best friend tells me in all aspects of my life that I feel the need to control and to orchestrate. I am afraid of just trusting that things will all work out the way they are meant to.

I am going to begin taking more control over my life, by letting go! It is in our desire to control that we end up losing it I have realized.
