Saturn Transits After Saturn Return


My first Saturn return was in January and I was expecting it to be much rougher than it was. The year leading up to it was a bit tough but over all a great improvement for me professionally, emotionally and personally.
In the past Saturn transits have been absolute torture for me. Starting from Saturn conjunct AC, Mercury, sun, Jupiter, Venus, moon, Mars to squaring all those which was almost worse. However Saturn opposing these points has so far not been hard at all. It's almost like it has helped me. Natally, I have Saturn in opposition to my Venus, moon and Mars. So currently Saturn is opposing my moon and I was also expecting a much harsher transit (unless the pain is yet to come)
The only noticeable change in my life so far is expanding my sexuality and a more deep intrest in BDSM, specifically masochism. This could be due to Jupiter currently transiting my 8th house, and pluto opposing my Mars, but the masochistic/wanting to be controlled tendencies seem Saturn related to me.
My question is, do Saturn transits get easier post Saturn return?
Saturn will next oppose my Mars after it finishes opposing my moon twice more this year. So I'm curious what others have experienced with this.