Whole House Chart moved Mars to from my 7th to 8th

I was hoping some of you could guide me with some of your thoughts. A couple of months ago I’d come across my Natal chat online, purely by accident. If I’m honest I’ve had terrible luck in the love department and I was curious. I wish id never come across it now tbh, but never mind. Anyhow it was suggested I look at my chart in whole house, which has moved Mars to my 8th house which is in Cancer.

I can definitely relate to cancer being in my 8th house, but I can’t say I relate to the Mars part. Since doing some further reading I’ve become absolutely terrified with the thought of having a near death experience, and possibly dying in the most horrific way....... I only wanted to know if I’d ever find love again...


Well-known member
Take a deep breath and relax. Everyone who has Mars in the 8th is NOT going to die young or have some kind of accident. That would be millions of people and that's obviously unrealistic. Furthermore, there have been millions of people who have died young or had an accident that do NOT have Mars in the 8th house. So things are as simple as you think. One placement cannot doom you, that would be ludicrous.

As for whole sign versus other house systems, that's a personal choice. Most of us in the West (US & Canada, Europe, Australia, etc.) use the Placidus system rather than whole sign. Whole signs are typically more common in Vedic (Indian) astrology and throughout other parts of the East. Look at your chart using both systems and compare. See which one describes you better and feels more "right."

As for finding love again, that's a question that might be good for a horary chart (Google for a good explanation on what those are if you don't already know, I'm terrible at explaining things sometimes!). It basically helps you predict the outcome of matters. You look at the exact time when you first think of a question you really want the answer to -- something meaningful to you and not something silly like "Will I have desert later?" Then you make a chart for the question using the exact date and time you thought of the question (same process as you would for drawing up a natal chart). You can only ask once unless matters change.

For instance, I can only ask a question once every three or 6 months or so (giving the situation time to develop and change) unless things change before then. For instance, if I want to know will I get hired for a certain job and my question was "Will I marry my boyfriend?" I can only ask that once in a, let's say, 5 month period (and if I ask again it has to be because something happened to make me think that the original horary chart's answer may have changed and I really want to know -- for instance, if I asked 5 months ago because I was hoping he would propose and the chart said "no," but 5 months later he brought up the topic of marriage for the first time or expressed he likes the idea of it, so I reask to see if maybe he has changed his mind). Mind you, you can't ask things that are going to be too far in the future. For instance, a 10 year old can't ask "when will I get married?" and expect the chart to be valid. She might ask "Will Bobby take me to the dance next Spring?" and get a valid response. It works for about up to a year or so.

Now, if in 3 weeks or 5 days, or whenever, the situation changes in a way that makes you question the original chart's validity, then you can reask and see if the situation or outcome might change. So next time you are feeling like you REALLY need to know if you will find love, note the time and make the chart and post it on here for interpretation.

You can post your natal chart and someone on the forum might be able to help you make sense of things, but predictive matters tend to be better with horary. Transists might help too, but I don't know how specific they are. In any case, relationships tend to be difficult for most people (finding someone, falling in love, staying stable, etc.) so you aren't alone. I'm sure you're not doomed!
Thank you for your response. I suppose it’s just about staying grounded, but I can’t help my mind from going into complete overdrive. You imagine how you’d want your life to turn out, and if something contradicts that it’s really off putting.

Again, it really is just the placement of Mars that really freaks me out. I know I’ll worry about it for ages now lol!

I don’t know much about mars, but I definitely hate it now!!

Thanks again.


Well-known member
You're quite welcome. I'm going through something very similar myself, so I know exactly how you feel. It's a drag when you have a clear vision of how you want your life to unfold but the universe seems to be doing everything it can to push you in the opposite direction and you can't do anything about it but wait it out and hope for the best. For you, the area is love. For me, it's career. And I imagine everyone goes through this every once in a while. You'll be alright and you will find someone.

And if it is of any comfort, I don't use whole signs. I use Placidus because I find it works best for me personally. I took a moment to look at your profile in hopes of finding a thread where you posted your chart and I noticed that you did post your natal chart using the Placidus house system where Mars was in your 7th. You mentioned you had a "toxic" relationship. I'd be inclined to say Mars is in your 7th. If your ex boyfriend was physically violent or simply had a bad temper and he was very controlling and authoritative, that would back up the Mars in the 7th.

You also have Venus sq Neptune, which can give you rose colored glasses in relationships. You don't see flaws in guys and thus have a tendency to end up with the wrong ones because you didn't see the red flags. It can also indicate a person who attracts broken people. Those that may not necessarily be ready or willing to commit. Delusions in love. You see what you want in a significant other not what's really there. You also probably fall for types you can't attain -- meaning you may have the perfect guy and relationship going in your head and when people in the real world can't live up to that fantasy guy and fantasy relationship, you aren't interested. Or you fall for, say, celebrities or someone who you find is already taken. Always something a little impossible.

You have Venus sq Uranus as well, so odd or unconventional relationships. Fickle relationships that start and end quickly, etc.

I'd say Mars in 7th for you. Hang in there and be wise. Don't settle, but don't be urealistic either. You don't have to find someone overnight. It'll happen exactly when it is meant to and not a moment sooner or later. Just live your life and work on yourself and let it unfold naturally. Just don't end up so desperate to be with someone that you end up with just anyone. That can leave you with a broken heart.
Hi, I think you could be right about mars being in my 7th. I keep reading about Mars being in my 8th and I can’t relate. I got married when I was young and now in 26 and going through a divorce.

Both of those statements sum me up fairly well. Especially being quite particular, I feel like I need to be with someone who’s on my level, and is going to keep up with me otherwise I fear I’ll get bored. I feel like I’m happier when I’m in a relationship, but it has to feel right otherwise I’d rather be on my own.

I’ve definitely become more aware of my flaws, so I’m hoping those aspects that are weighing me down can be worked on.

If Mars was in my 8th i feel it would really weigh heavy on me because I’d be too bloody scared to do anything lol!!

I appreciate your time getting back to me



Well-known member
Well, it’s never a bad idea to be cautious and careful, lol! No one is invincible, so always have your head on straight. But please keep in mind that even if you did have Mars in the 8th, it wouldn’t indicate violent or young death. It can for some people, but that would depend on multiple aspects and there is honestly no way to actually predict death in astrology. Mars in the 8th can mean various things and many with an 8th house Mars live long, healthy lives with no accidents. Many without an 8th house Mars don’t.

My point is, one aspect or placement can’t doom you or generally be an indicator of something so big. Keep that in mind as you look at other placements in your chart. For instance, Jupiter in the 4th doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have the perfect family life and a close family. It can also mean you have a normal, or even rough, family life but that you come from a rather large family. Everything can’t be interpreted the same way. The same placement or aspect will play itself out differently for every individual.

Best of luck!


Well-known member
Thank you both. I have another question. My 5th house is empty. Would this indicate no children?


You're welcome and to answer your question: definitely not. There are 12 houses and traditionally 9 'planets' (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), so everyone will have a minimum of 2 or 3 empty houses.

It can mean that the matters associated with that house aren't going to be a huge focus for you in life or an area that isn't your number 1 goal in life, or it can indicate that the lessons (indicated by what the house represents) brought on by that house are not necessary for you to learn in this lifetime (in other words, that area may go naturally well for you because you have a knack for knowing how to deal with the matters associated with the 5th house, so there aren't going to be any major lessons for you to learn in this lifetime).

However, you have to look at the bigger picture to see how the matters of that house are going to affect you in life. To do that, you look at the sign ruler of that house and what house it is placed in and what aspects the planet makes.

So for instance if the sign ruling your 5th house is Taurus (which is ruled by Venus), then you would look at what house your Venus is in. If it is, for example, in the 3rd house, you may be talented in creative writing or enjoy reading and/or writing romance novels (as 5th rules creativity and romance as well). You may enjoy talking with children, etc. These are just a few general examples to give you an idea.