How Can We Get Passed This Baggage?


Well-known member

I think I have a really karmic connection with a particular old friend/romantic prospect, but we never seem to be able to get together to have a relationship. We seemed destined to either give up gracefully, or maintain a friendship through gritted teeth for the good of all, or to just be brave enough to be truthful and go for it!!

Here's the chart (his exact birth time is unknown btw, so his moon and house configuration are inaccurate):-


Just to draw your attention to the strong Neptune/Neptune interaspect with Venus & Sun, his N. Node & Juno touching my H12 (which holds my moon, N. Node & Juno), and our Saturns conjunct our DC and opposite our N. Nodes!!!

There really seems an awful lot of karma to wade through with this guy, so much so that I feel like I'm drowning in it, and he just can't deal with it. We go through long periods of time (decades) without contacting each other, and then when we re-meet, it is as though no time has gone by and we catch up very quickly. There is such a strong sense of love and connection, we can't cope with the heavy commitment, and each time we reach a stalemate and have to stop contacting each other. It just feels like a *huge* amount of burden and baggage for us to cope with, and that we would have to manage an awful lot of people and situations in order to be together. It's all a bit crazy because I love him with all my heart.

Apparently, when you have Saturn opposite N. Node in synastry it means that circumstances will get in the way of your being together (and we have 2 lots!) because in a past life the couple had a relationship that broke some kind of social laws/legislation or was just unacceptable in some way. It basically means the couple are having to pay for past wrongs their relationship caused. Neptune/Neptune aspects involve telepathic and soul-mate connections. We certainly seem to be on the same wavelength, and I feel more deeply for him than anyone so far. I think the Juno/Node aspects are to do with feeling like we are fated to have a relationship, and his Node touching my h12 really makes me feel like I am supposed to teach him a lesson in this lifetime (he doesn't seem to listen though!), and I guess this is amplified by my Moon conjunct his N. Node.

Any comments? And also, any views on how this guy and I are supposed to deal with this according to the chart? I am continually searching for answers, even though we are on one of our "breaks" at the moment.
