Decans Thread

dr. farr

Well-known member

How do you know what decan the rising sign is in? Or is that even a thing?[/QUOTE]

Its the decan in which the ascending degree falls.


Well-known member
Sun Leo 15 05 Leo, 2nd decan
Rising sign Libra

How do you know what decan the rising sign is in? Or is that even a thing?

That's cool! I'm a 2nd decan Leo too :happy: Jupiter's our subruler which is pretty cool. Makes us optimistic, funny, and lucky :tongue:

Your rising is your AC. For example my Rising falls on the 12th degree Capricorn so that would make me 2nd Decan Cap Rising. 1st Decan is 1-10 degrees, 2nd Decan is 10-20 degrees, 3rd degree is 20-30 degrees.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Using modern sign numeration (such as found in the charts erected at, and by almost all contemporary astrological software), the decans are:

0 through 9degrees 59minutes 59econds = 1st decan
10 through 19degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds = 2nd decan
20 through 29degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds = 3rd decan

(Contemporary sign numeration goes from 0 to 29degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds of each sign; oldtime sign numeration-still in use as late as the mid-20th century in parts of Europe-went from 1 degree to 30 degrees)

Birch Dragon

Well-known member
Is it a "thing" that Sun and Ascendent decans often correlate?
I'm curious to know what the thinking behind this thread is. What made you ask the question LeoJeo?

My sun and Asc are both in the 2nd decan (of Aries and Virgo, respectively).

(I have two charts to choose from - the birth time on my certificate and a chart that a great astrologer on this site rectified for me that has me born just a few minutes before. In the rectified chart, my Sun and Asc are even the same degree (13 and some minutes).)


Well-known member
Is it a "thing" that Sun and Ascendent decans often correlate?

hmm, i actually have Sun in the 1st Capricorn Decan (saturn rulership, but in chaldean it's Jupiter), and ASC in the 2nd Capricorn Decan -almost 15 degrees- (venus rulership/chaldeans say mars)
Moon in the first decan of Aquarius (uranus rulership, but venus in chaldean...)

I somehow find that the chaldean explanations apply more to my life, but it may be due to the aspects between planets & co :smile:
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Well-known member
How would a first decan Leo Rising conjunct Sun with mars in Leo Play out ?
'A first decan Leo Rising conjunct Sun with mars in Leo Plays out' variably
'cookbook astrology'
'one-size-fits-all astrological method' is unreliable

first decan Leo Rising conjunct Sun with Mars in Leo
are all different :smile:

relative to which if any – planets are located in Aries and/or Scorpio,
i.e. the traditional domiciles of Mars
and their aspects

also any planets in Capricorn are another factor
i.e. the traditional exaltation of Mars
as well as their aspects

any natal chart requires delineation as a whole

consider also that each decan has ten separate degrees


Well-known member
Ok because I know alot of Leo's and Mars in Leos that dont give a f about what anyone thinks of them so Im abit confused

Would it be better to have it in the first house or 5th house which it would make it double?


Well-known member
Very Interesting aswell as your placement to,
what is your reason for mars being better in the 1st than in the 5th?


Well-known member
I don't understand why Mars is not exalted or dignified in Leo
No planet is exalted in the domicile of the Sun
The Sun is the central star

around which

the planets of our SOLAR system orbit :smile:

The following table illustrates that Mars is exalted in Capricorn



dr. farr

Well-known member
Actually Ptolemy gives specific "reasons" why planets find exaltation in certain signs, in his book "Tetrabiblos", and some of these reasons have a connection with position of signs relative to north and south...