read my chart


Thank you Tim that was a good read. WOuld you be so kind as to look at my chart and just give your personal opinion about my extremely right sided chart. Sometimes it seems like I am riding on other people's coat tails but it must be my aries ascendant that makes me uncomfortable with that. Anything else that you find interesting I'd love you to share. There is a grand trine in there too with my ascendant, leo and neptune. I like all astro insight. Thank you.



Staff member
bundle, to Rianna


You said:
Thank you Tim that was a good read. WOuld you be so kind as to look at my chart and just give your personal opinion about my extremely right sided chart. Sometimes it seems like I am riding on other people's coat tails but it must be my aries ascendant that makes me uncomfortable with that. Anything else that you find interesting I'd love you to share.

You're welcome! Here are my thoughts on your chart.

You have a bundle chart, indicating that you tend to focus on one thing at a time. All your energy is on the right (others) side of the chart, so you focus on others and need to work through others to make things happen in your life. Your :northnode: (future goals) is in the daily work house and the self-expression house, indicating a need to focus on routines and on getting noticed for what you do. You have :neptune: (idealization) :conjunct: (energy is combined with) :venus: (relationships), indicating you may idealize your relationships and be on a "quest" for the "perfect relationship". Just remember that relationships take work from BOTH people in the relationship, and do not start out as "ideal"...that is a goal the people in the relationship have to work towards. You have more Sociable signs and Sociable houses (houses 4-8), so you are very sociable with others. You have the same number of planets on the top (outer world) as the bottom (inner world), so you can go "back and forth" between your inner world and your outer world.




Re: bundle, to Rianna

Thank you I didnt notice the conjunction of venus and neptune..that is huge. This explains so much for me!