Will I Overcome?


Well-known member

This is my first post in a Horary Board. My last day of work will be this Friday :sad: because my company is being sold. I have been on several interviews over the past 2 weeks. My question is will I get a new job in the next 2 months?


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dr. farr

Well-known member
(Following is not in accordance with standard horary practice and uses whole sign house format)

Thanks for the information. Since it is managerial, this = the 10th house as job significator:

-querent = 1st house = Capricorn = Saturn
-quesited = 10th house = Libra = Venus
-Saturn is posited in Libra (the 10th or quesited house) in its exaltation = + testimony
-Venus is posited in the querent's house (by whole sign) and is in mutual reception with Saturn = + testimony
-Venus flows away from Saturn and makes no applying aspect to Saturn = - testimony
-Moon (querent's co-significator) flows away from both Venus and Saturn and makes no applying aspect to either = - testimony
-Part of Fortune posited @ 20 Pisces, Saturn, Venus and Moon all flow toward the POF = + testimony
-Venus is in a dark degree of Capricorn, Saturn in a bright degree of Libra, the POF in a bright degree of Pisces, Moon in a bright degree of Aquarius = net + testimony

Positive = +4 testimonies
Negative = -2 testimonies
Net = +2 testimonies

...with a net +2 testimonies indications are favorable for you to find new employment over the next approximately 2 months. Further, the new employment will turn out successfully for you (shown by Maximus inceptional method: lord of the Moon's sign is Saturn, and Saturn is posited in a tropical sign = auspicious results to be anticipated)