The waning or waxing Moon


Well-known member
I am not sure if I have to post my question here, but I want to know where I can see in the ephemerids of 1886 if the Moon is a waning or a waxing one. Somebody could help, please?

Many thanks in advance! :)

dr. farr

Well-known member
You could find that out, it would be in the ephemeris for 1886, question is, WHEN (what date or week or month) in 1886 do you want to know whether at that time the Moon was waxing or waning??


Well-known member
Thank you very much, Dr. Farr! I had a look at the ephemeris by on May 1886 (day 24), but I cannot see if the moon is waxing or waning, there is only the degree, or ... am I blind?

dr. farr

Well-known member
NASA-Moon Phases 1801-1900; website address is you will find what you are looking for there!


Well-known member
So you won't be so helpless next time

1. Find Sun's position for date in question.
2. Find Moon's position for date in question.

3. Moon moves Counterclockwise through zodiac (oh oh....Sunny is probably so young he's never seen an analog clock in motion.....oh well)
4. Take the point opposite the Sun's position (say Sun is 3 Gemini, the point opposite is 3 Sagittarius). If the Moon is past that point (by counterclockwise motion from the place of the Sun,) it is waning. If before, waxing.

In other words if before full moon, the moon is "increasing in light" and waxing (growing)
If after full moon it is "decreasing in light" and waning (dying).

The symbolism fits the idea of "growth" and "decline"......externalizing, internalizing......fattening, emaciating.....and so on.

"On the upswing", "on the downswing"
"Going out", "coming in"
"building," "destroying"
"sowing", "reaping"
"rising", "falling"

We live in a world of Duality (Yin, Yang and so on). The Moon is the primary symbol of this duality....It is the "ruler" of our world, what the ancients refer to as "the sub-lunar world." It has to do with the immediate cycles of everyday existence.

Tip for the hefty gals in the audience who want to lose a few pounds: Begin your diet (fast) on the wane of the Moon.
And for the Wannabe Tycoons: If you're buying a speculative stock with hopes of a rise in price, buy on the waxing Moon.

That's the idea, in theory.
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Well-known member
I'm with greybeard (for once!)

If the moon is leaving the sun it will be somewhere from 0 degrees one second beyond the sun (or think 1 to 179 degrees) past the sun.

At 180 degrees, you have a full moon.
From 181 to 359 degrees beyond the sun, you have a waning moon.

At 0 degrees (an exact conjunction) you have the dark of the moon.

For example, if the sun is at 5 degrees Taurus, the point 180 degrees opposite is 5 degrees Scorpio; and the moon is at 28 degrees Virgo, it is a waxing moon. If the moon is at 28 degrees Sagittarius, however, it is a waning moon.

Outside, if you see the moon in the West in the evening, it is a waxing moon. If you see it in the East in the morning before sunrise, it is waning. The full moon happens just at/after sunset.


Well-known member

thank you very much and yes, that's more easier and it is always better to help us ourself. I'll remember it - thanks once more!:smile::smile:
