What signs and placements are made to thrive in competitive and hostile situations?

When it comes to things like war, competitions and power struggles; what signs and natal placements tend to help in dominating and getting the better of others?


Well-known member
When it comes to competition I'd say the fire signs maybe.
Power struggles would definitely be the energy of Scorpio, maybe Leo too, Capricorn, Gemini?
Also maybe Mars in one of those signs?

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member

Although some charts are rated DD and one date is in question, you can look over them charts for some leads. Notice how the majority of these guys have a Saturn-ruled Moons. Who doesn't have that, has the Capricorn rising, or an emphasized Saturn. Margaret Thatcher, Putin, Eisenhower and the Khan (uncertain) has... Libra Stelliums!! That can't be right, can it? Why not, Libra is also a Saturnine sign, and is classed as a violent and human sign in traditional.

Leo, and Scorpio energy seems to be present as Ardentika suggested. Both very talented generals Patton and Napoleon have Mars in Virgo. Whereas every other chart has Mars in violent signs. The only other person who doesn't have that is the Duke of Wellington, who instead has a very malefic Mars-Saturn conjunction in Cancer which both planets don't do well in, and Putin who has his Mars in Sagittarius.

Do you notice any other patterns? Take a look at the charts and see. You can also look for more successful generals, politicians and such to see what is emphasized.

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
The United States, notorious for its military expansionism, has Saturn in Libra at the Midheaven.

Honourable mention is our friendly neighbourhood Hitler, who has some common themes with the previous set of persons. Notably, he has a Capricorn Moon, Libra emphasized through the ascendant, as well as a highly prominent Saturn in Leo at the top of the chart.

Interestingly, Jupiter seems to be in violent signs in the majority of the charts, and for the 2 out of 3 who doesn't have it, they have Jupiter in Taurus instead (?) It might be pertinent that Mao Zedong has his Taurus within 4 degrees of Algol - the fixed star that denotes piled up corpses. In lieu of not having such a Jupiter placement, both Putin and Mao have an exalted Saturn which more than makes up for it. Our friendly neighbourhood Hitler also has his Jupiter in a violent sign. Saturn also seems to be placed mostly in the violent signs in these person's maps too. Patton has neither his Jupiter nor his Saturn in violent signs, and of the list he would probably be the lowest profile of the lot.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the violent signs, they are all the signs that are ruled by or exalted by the malefics. That would be Aries, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius.
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Well-known member
I once read somewhere that Libra is more military than Aries, Aries is the warrior and Libra the general. This is probably a traditional explanation for libra being violent and ruled by Saturn. It makes sense to me because I find Libra very clever in the way they use charm over force.

Is Jupiter spiritual or expansion? Jupiter being the moral spiritual planet and in a violent sign, so it overpowers the moral goal of Jupiter? Or Jupiter expands because it isn’t moral and is expanding the violence?

I have read about the success of Trump and the Algol and Regulus asteroids. Also Orcus for his ability to stick to his word, that gives him honesty to his actions. I would like the number for these fixed stars or atsteroids but no one ever lists them in articles or conversations.
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Well-known member
I've read a theory somewhere about the 0 degree that inspires leadrship in an individual. The 29 too I think.
And in most charts I noticed those decrees somewhere. Either a planet or an axis.
Also Gemini Moon is extremely power hunger. Gemini in general is a power hungry sign.

I have the same combination as Mao, 0 Cap Sun, 18 Leo moon, and yeah, sometimes I daydream of conquering the world haha. But Capricorn and Leo in general are a powerful combination. Here the power has to do with desire for status and respect. Each sign has different reasons for wanting power, i think.

Genghis Khan has quite the remarkable chart, it's almost out of this world.


Well-known member
Omg Genghis Khans chart is amazing! All that conjunction in 4th house with South Node there!!

His Venus at zero degrees though I thought would bring compassion but if Venus is violent and wants to be seen and be pretty, maybe compassion is not part of it.

Donald Trumps brother has Venus in 10th at zero degrees. He was described by his mother as being a ‘dolphin born into a family of sharks.’

Funny side note but I have wondered about being connected to Genghis Khan by ancestry.
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Well-known member
Well we can use my mother in law's chart as an example. Mars conjunct sun in pisces. And Pluto in Leo opposite mercury in aqua both squaring moon in Taurus. Venus opposite Saturn virgo. Jupiter in detriment. Very dumb person in terms of common sense or counting or education. But a genius at fu**ing ppl up. She fights to the death and loves fighting ppl and if you don't want to fight she chases you to start a fight. She gets violent. But she is not a fair competitor. She's a coward competitor. She sets traps so she can win before you even know there's a competition. She sees any one who isn't her ally as an enemy that must be destroyed and she uses hidden way to attack ppl like food poisoning or she'll run off to ppl and make up a story that you hit her and she's a victim. She's that little brat who did something bad to you only to have mummy and daddy tell you off as she smiles in delight. Her north node is in Aries. Every little thing in life for her is something she must dominate, control, and win at all cost. Not doing so would kill her.
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Do you notice any other patterns? Take a look at the charts and see. You can also look for more successful generals, politicians and such to see what is emphasized.

Lets first and foremost, give credit where it is due, Capricorn may as well be the true strongest sign of the zodiac. Now granted modern astrologers are too busy kissing Scorpio *** to the point the bias is so easy to see but I get the same impression, nothing is stronger than a Capricorn.

The sign is EXALTED in Mars and you proved my point when showing those links. I find that this sign has a very sharp focus that is almost unbeatable, it just tends to go in without any emotions and just pure logic and analysis which makes it tough to have any glaring holes.
BTW, anyone mind telling me what it means when you have Algol in your natal chart? I have it in my chart and Conspiracy commented on that but I wonder what it means in regards to that person approaching life.
I once read somewhere that Libra is more military than Aries, Aries is the warrior and Libra the general. This is probably a traditional explanation for libra being violent and ruled by Saturn. It makes sense to me because I find Libra very clever in the way they use charm over force.

Is Jupiter spiritual or expansion? Jupiter being the moral spiritual planet and in a violent sign, so it overpowers the moral goal of Jupiter? Or Jupiter expands because it isn’t moral and is expanding the violence?

I have read about the success of Trump and the Algol and Regulus asteroids. Also Orcus for his ability to stick to his word, that gives him honesty to his actions. I would like the number for these fixed stars or atsteroids but no one ever lists them in articles or conversations.

I always thought that Capricorn would be the general with Aries as the warrior.

Libras seem to be shown as signs that are peaceful and avoid confrontation so I am surprised to hear this. Then again, this is from modern astrologers or as I like to call them now "cafe astrologers" who sit at Starbucks all day making up stories about how all signs other than Scorpios suck.

I have a great deal of respect for Geminis and Libras, we always tend to get along for some reason.


Well-known member
Algol is evil it has been called the serial killer fixed star.

It is in everyone’s chart but with all asteroids and fixed stars it would need to be aspected or conjunct an angle or planet to have a major influence. The orb must be 2-3.


Well-known member
I always thought that Capricorn would be the general with Aries as the warrior.

Libras seem to be shown as signs that are peaceful and avoid confrontation so I am surprised to hear this. Then again, this is from modern astrologers or as I like to call them now "cafe astrologers" who sit at Starbucks all day making up stories about how all signs other than Scorpios suck.

I have a great deal of respect for Geminis and Libras, we always tend to get along for some reason.

Omg I have to say I find Gemini to be an enemy. I have Gemini in my chart but I wouldn’t trust them because they lie lie lie...Gemini fights dirty like that...not saying I do but I wouldn’t trust a man with this placement.

Libra the same but less so than Gemini.

You may hate Scorpio because they want to destroy you but Libra and Gemini will pretend to be your friend and pretend to be everybody’s friend and so everybody likes them but they are just being players!

Gemini is the trickster and Libra is the prostitute of socializing.
Algol is evil it has been called the serial killer fixed star.

It is in everyone’s chart but with all asteroids and fixed stars it would need to be aspected or conjunct an angle or planet to have a major influence. The orb must be 2-3.

Apparently I have it Conjunct MC and which is Taurus at 0.
Omg I have to say I find Gemini to be an enemy. I have Gemini in my chart but I wouldn’t trust them because they lie lie lie...Gemini fights dirty like that...not saying I do but I wouldn’t trust a man with this placement.

Libra the same but less so than Gemini.

You may hate Scorpio because they want to destroy you but Libra and Gemini will pretend to be your friend and pretend to be everybody’s friend and so everybody likes them but they are just being players!

Gemini is the trickster and Libra is the prostitute of socializing.

I have always made friends with them easily and found them to be cooperative people. They aren't busy trying to ruin lives and I notice they don't seem to make 100+ blog posts about how they are the strongest sign that can dominate everyone :smile::smile::smile::smile:

I would LOVE to have a Gemini that fights dirty by my side taking on the so called "strongest sign" and putting it in its place. After my first rodeo in the corporate world, I realize that against some people even if you have to go as low as possible to beat them, then low as possible you must go.

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
Is Jupiter spiritual or expansion? Jupiter being the moral spiritual planet and in a violent sign, so it overpowers the moral goal of Jupiter? Or Jupiter expands because it isn’t moral and is expanding the violence?

Bare in mind historical examples of religious wars and expansionism by Christian and Muslim regimes. ISIS is at hand as a modern example. Also, make a survey of many religions and spiritual streams and the importance that warrior-like ethics play in many of them. "Wrathful deities", being tested by demons, the dark night of the soul, "the straight and narrow path". Did the Spartans have a warrior ethic because their overpowering "urge to violence" was greater than their moral fortitude? Are samurais immoral because they live by the sword? Where did the idea of "being nice is the highest virtue" come from? The cardinal virtues were a big thing at one point. Prudence, temperance, fortitude, justice. What is the connotation of a virtue such as fortitude and justice? Do you think one can truly be just without paying attention to the evil, and destructive side as well as the "nice and good"?

What makes you think that morality and violence have to be mutually exclusive? What makes you think that spirituality and violence are at odds with each other?
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