Are we looking at Chiron wrong?

Anyone else get some Chiron hurts and heals yesterday? The Moon squared Chiron and the Sun while conjunct my natal Chiron. Yesterday was a rare day where my relationship with my parent's wasn't cold. Maybe this indicates my Chiron sign of Cancer - I mess with and heal my natal family.

Yeah there is a lot to it. But I'm learning towards your Chiron in the 5th meaning you have the ability to heal through romance, or heal your romantic partners?

I've been following my theme doing amatuer readings and sometimes my theory fits but for certain houses it's figuring out Who you will heal..will it be yourself or others? I still stand by there being something subtle missing from the Chiron interpretations. There's still the struggling aspect that's played up and it just doesn't do it for me

I think Chiron's ability to heal comes from it's disruptive ability. Whenever you create space something new inevitably rushes in to fill the gap. As for self-healing, it happened rather suddenly for me using a depth psychology technique in tandem with a crisis level emotion resulting from a five year relationship. Essentially this:

Sometimes, by strengthening the planets that trine or sextile Chiron you can indirectly heal yourself, without having to dedicate a lot of time and effort in researching your childhood years with the aid of a professional.
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The healing kick started my spiritual awakening, clairsentience, synchronicity, physical changes including and especially sexuality.
From one of my favorite astrologers:

Out there in deep space, Chiron orbits betwixt the trajectories of Saturn and Uranus. Psychologically, there are numerous implications, the most obvious being Chiron’s function as an intermediary between the personal (Saturn) and transpersonal (Uranus) gateways. No wonder this wily force has eluded astrological definition!
Chiron holds the key to translating and rearranging transpersonal signals into personal messages, while simultaneously acting like a relay to send personal appeals (prayers) to transpersonal sources. Like the mythic boatman crossing the River Styx, Chiron allows for a passage to and fro between worlds that would otherwise remain infinitely apart.

(Antero Alli. Astrologik.)

This seems like confusing the mythology of Chiron for Charon, but given Chiron's orbit, it also seems very apt.
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Well-known member
Alright we’ve looked at Chiron as the healer, the maverick, the open wound and the place for greatest healing.

IMO, the greatest living astrologer who uses asteroids properly(IMO of course) is Martha Lang-Wescott. Martha discusses her view of Chiron on pages 169-171 of THE ORDERS OF LIGHT, and on pages 119-125 of MECHANICS OF THE FUTURE.

She says that Chiron shows “an original view or a ‘different’ perspective.” She notes that by house and sign it shows where you don’t have to abide by the variations of your upbringing, by the people around you, by your country, or by any religious persuasion.

She goes on to describe Chiron’s placement as a kind of “adolescent crises”, when one needs to break away, and be your own person. She notes that Chiron represents a struggle between the yin yang of fitting in and being accepted for what the world wants of us, and breaking the mold by being our own selves, and thus not fitting neatly in the round holes with your square peg. She points out that the Rx Chiron feels this conflict more strongly than the direct version.

Martha goes much further, even to delineating various aspects to Chiron between planets and other asteroids.

This fits, thank you.


New member
Yes - Chiron does have the wrong interpretation.

I go along with the magi astrology interpretation, which is that Chiron represents career. Plain and simple.


Well-known member
I found something that would help to explain better why your use of the word "redundant" in regard to different aspects irked me. It's also a good resource so I'm posting it publicly for any interested parties.!295373&parId=5A4B6EB1ED9A277B!285469&o=OneUp

It's on page 40 under the title "Beware Predicate Thinking"

Thanks for this it looks like a good read. But yeah redundant isn't a good word. What I meant is to think of your chart as a perfectly accurate analog wall clock reading 8:15 AM. Everything has to be in its right place, in order for the clock to read 8:15 AM. All of the numbers going around in a circle in order, the hands of the clock must be in order, and bam, we can see that it's 8:15 AM.

Every single person has a complex, yet (in my opinion), totally summarizable soul character and path, that is visible within the chart. This soul character + soul path = the time on the clock.

You can't change anything, and still have a perfect analog clock that reads 8:15 AM. I hope this makes sense. It just works together..and it's not by accident that it does, all of your placements fit for a very specific reason and they can mirror each other as it relates to your overall soul personality and soul path. It doesn't mean by themselves they are all the same.


Well-known member
Well... I can say my Leo Chiron is in the 12th and I was initially told that in the 12th house, this leads to possibly being unaware of that primal wound or disassociating from it. But that makes little sense for me. If anything, I overfixate on my weaknesses and what I know is holding me back from my desires and what I feel is my mission

In fact, I wonder if its placement there is why I have this obsession with the subconscious and digging through the subconscious to find 'the key', to understanding my self so as to liberate myself from this wound. Before discovering astrology I had that obsession. I was always convinced that there was something not only in my subconscious, but in everyone's subconscious, that would be the key to understanding the universe and ourselves and therefor would be a source of freedom and true understanding

To say more, I do believe there may be a wound, but the warrior interpretation fits too. All weaknesses are meant to be used to find our strength. When you mention purpose, I do feel this intense desire to help people, to help them face their darkness and their own subconscious so as to liberate themselves and understand their own truths

I don't have anything else in my 12th house tho so I can't say anything to help your theory on the 12th house. I'm the kinda person who feels I have a true mission here, not because I think I'm special or anything. If anything, through your mission, you are meant to serve others with your innate skills

More recently I've gained interest in the collective unconscious and the power our consciousness has as both individuals and as a collective to shape reality
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Well-known member
Well... I can say my Leo Chiron is in the 12th and I was initially told that in the 12th house, this leads to possibly being unaware of that primal wound or disassociating from it. But that makes little sense for me. If anything, I overfixate on my weaknesses and what I know is holding me back from my desires and what I feel is my mission

In fact, I wonder if its placement there is why I have this obsession with the subconscious and digging through the subconscious to find 'the key', to understanding my self so as to liberate myself from this wound. Before discovering astrology I had that obsession. I was always convinced that there was something not only in my subconscious, but in everyone's subconscious, that would be the key to understanding the universe and ourselves and therefor would be a source of freedom and true understanding

To say more, I do believe there may be a wound, but the warrior interpretation fits too. All weaknesses are meant to be used to find our strength. When you mention purpose, I do feel this intense desire to help people, to help them face their darkness and their own subconscious so as to liberate themselves and understand their own truths

I don't have anything else in my 12th house tho so I can't say anything to help your theory on the 12th house. I'm the kinda person who feels I have a true mission here, not because I think I'm special or anything. If anything, through your mission, you are meant to serve others with your innate skills

More recently I've gained interest in the collective unconscious and the power our consciousness has as both individuals and as a collective to shape reality

Hi Lykanized, beautiful post and I think it does explain your Chiron 12th house placement. The 12th house completely yanks the ball from your court and if anyone decides to fear the 12th house, that's why it should be feared. It's not just that you're not in control of it, it's more about your lack of power when it comes to changing and for some even noticing the 12th house. This is why Chiron in the 12th seems like such a good placement for me.

What community or channeler are you following for your spiritual journey?


Well-known member
What do you'll think about Chiron on the ascendant Virgo (between the 12th and 1st house? Well, I have this placement and people who did see my chart said things like: ''You could be insecure about yourself or could be bullied in the past.'' But hell na. I ain't insecure about myself and of course as a child, you get bullied, but I did worse stuff to people back as a child (not proud of it and if I think back to what I did to other people, I'm ashamed as an adult.). So, it does not compare with me.

Descriptions of the 12th house that I love.

House XII A sense of the connection between all things erodes the sense of separation, links a person to his fellow man, and the personality to the level of soul.
House XII Organisations and activities which supply the common needs of mankind enable a person to make his contribution although, with this house, the sense of the connection between all things may not need to seek confirmation or find expression through external agencies or activities, operating instead as a mystical awareness which may thrive on solitude and express itself on the astral or mental plane.

Because your Chiron is not in a personal house or a relational house, I believe your energy speaks to unconsciously healing the universal consciousness of humanity, and in your everyday life this could translate into you being somewhat of a divine tool, helping those you come in contact with or just happen to meet..only these aren't accidents they are being orchestrated by Chiron in the 12th. The 12th house is about personality traits that you are either not consciously linking to yourself, or if you are aware of it, you can't quite call it out or name that trait/problem/mannerism (unless you study your 12th house and accept the truth).

If your Chiron is in the 1st house, this is personal house and it speaks to your ability to heal are interpretations I like:
House I his capacity to project himself.
House I energy; physical prowess; restlessness; leadership; confidence.

In summary I'm just starting to see Chiron as an ability..because within my chart, the 11th house, is only an issue because I'm the fighter. If I wasn't who I am, I wouldn't care. The universal houses speak to things we all deal can't tie a personal reasoning to these houses for every planet.


Well-known member
Hi Lykanized, beautiful post and I think it does explain your Chiron 12th house placement. The 12th house completely yanks the ball from your court and if anyone decides to fear the 12th house, that's why it should be feared. It's not just that you're not in control of it, it's more about your lack of power when it comes to changing and for some even noticing the 12th house. This is why Chiron in the 12th seems like such a good placement for me.

What community or channeler are you following for your spiritual journey?
Interesting, do you think what I said seems like there's a lack of control on my part? Maybe so. Maybe all my fixation is my attempts to gain control. Or... I don't really like control,not my style... I prefer freedom and to release my own self from control and that's what I'm really seeking right now. I suppose releasing myself from my own prison

In proper Gemini fashion(that's my Venus but also my south node), I gather from various places whatever resonates with me and put all the pieces together in different forms from different angles. Like I'm not the kinda person to follow one religion or one person or what framework. I'll borrow bits and pieces and start building on them and fitting them together. But I'm gonna be honest, lately I've been getting into some things that are a little more offkilter. I'm talking people channeling extraterrestrials, good ones, who are supposedly of a higher density than us. But really, that shouldn't be any more offkilter than channeling any other kind of spirit except for the fact this scenario is like mixing sci fi with paranormal and we rarely think of the two as congruent. I follow my intuition about things. What I do know is that I've been stuck for a long time and lately I've started to become unstuck. Selfawareness has become over the years increasingly important. My philosophy since I was a teenager has been to face whatever makes me uncomfortable or whatever makes me feel pain. It took me a few more years to really face myself, tho

Another philosophy I've gained is vulnerability. Even tho it may seem odd coming from a Cancerian, vulnerability does not come easily to me. Being honest about how weak I am to various aspects of life is hard for me to do. But I know that as soon as we are shamelessly honest, we put ourselves in the place we need to to start rebuilding on the foundation of our fallen selves and becoming something new


Well-known member
Interesting, do you think what I said seems like there's a lack of control on my part? Maybe so. Maybe all my fixation is my attempts to gain control. Or... I don't really like control,not my style... I prefer freedom and to release my own self from control and that's what I'm really seeking right now. I suppose releasing myself from my own prison

In proper Gemini fashion(that's my Venus but also my south node), I gather from various places whatever resonates with me and put all the pieces together in different forms from different angles. Like I'm not the kinda person to follow one religion or one person or what framework. I'll borrow bits and pieces and start building on them and fitting them together. But I'm gonna be honest, lately I've been getting into some things that are a little more offkilter. I'm talking people channeling extraterrestrials, good ones, who are supposedly of a higher density than us. But really, that shouldn't be any more offkilter than channeling any other kind of spirit except for the fact this scenario is like mixing sci fi with paranormal and we rarely think of the two as congruent. I follow my intuition about things. What I do know is that I've been stuck for a long time and lately I've started to become unstuck. Selfawareness has become over the years increasingly important. My philosophy since I was a teenager has been to face whatever makes me uncomfortable or whatever makes me feel pain. It took me a few more years to really face myself, tho

Another philosophy I've gained is vulnerability. Even tho it may seem odd coming from a Cancerian, vulnerability does not come easily to me. Being honest about how weak I am to various aspects of life is hard for me to do. But I know that as soon as we are shamelessly honest, we put ourselves in the place we need to to start rebuilding on the foundation of our fallen selves and becoming something new

Yeah I have 4 planets in Gemini (SUn, Moon, Jupiter, Venus) so my approach to spirituality is very quick, it's very mental, and I also piece together pieces and parts to help me form my own understanding.

Yeah I got the feeling from your post that you are familiar with the Channeling community. I was introduced to a very powerful channel last year and I'm wondering if we're having similar feelings and experiences. Very little people understand how personal the channels are and I've been looking to connect with like minded people who do understand but haven't had much luck.

I have cosmic awareness, soul families, old souls vs new souls, ancient aliens, how they play into our spiritual systems, etc. So if you'd like to talk let me know


Premium Member
I believe Chiron in the 5th for example, can symbolize the first born child, or a child born to remedy a romantic situation. It can even stand for "Love child" as in, you were conceived during an intense romantic situation.

Maybe Chiron in te 5th would have to do with Assisted Reproductive Technology?
I don’t know if we can always assimilate Chiron to a wound, but in this case in the fifth it could be the frustration of not having children. Also somehow the medical profession and medical procedures could be associated with conception. And romance could be bruising.