Looking for a spiritual esoteric lifepartner


New member
Can someone offer me some insight about whether I can find my life partner in this very life. I have strange intuitions about that person and would probably be fine waiting till my next birth to meet them if needed. I am quite involved with the esoteric, spiritual and occult.
Would someone like to take a look at my D1 and D9 and offer me some insight about them?
My birth details are
July 12, 1996
3:09 pm
Kolkata, India


Well-known member
Can someone offer me some insight about whether I can find my life partner in this very life. I have strange intuitions about that person and would probably be fine waiting till my next birth to meet them if needed. I am quite involved with the esoteric, spiritual and occult.
Would someone like to take a look at my D1 and D9 and offer me some insight about them?
My birth details are
July 12, 1996
3:09 pm
Kolkata, India

Hello Home9!

Before starting the analysis, let me just tell you that I couldn't reply to your PM. I don't know the rules of this forum, but it's probably related to that.

Also before starting, when I receive such a request for chart reading, I always suspect the following: native is suffering at the moment, or obsessed with some ongoing problem. Also, the native loves to talk about themselves and are probably very occupied with themselves (normal, and comes from a lot of factors you couldn't have influenced and changed yourself, such as childhood).

Finally, you alone stated that you're interested in occult and mystery knowledge as well as that you're seeking for a perfect soulmate, and you're very well aware that such a thing might not even be possible to find in this very life.

Let me start the analysis by confirming the above stated facts:

Your Scorpio Ascendent makes you deep, mysterious, interested in occult and secret, and sometimes obsessive about reaching a goal, which is usually finding something out. Also strong-willed, and interested in sex and transformation.

Jupiter in Sagittarius, in own sign which makes it strong in your chart, makes you generous, idealistic, optimistic, loyal, humane, philosophicially and spiritually inclined (another occult sign). Perhaps you might be interested in sports and/or gambling.

Saturn in Pisces, where it's terrible, makes you think of your last life karma and suffering in your current life. You mught be inclined towards research, institutions, but with frequent emotional changes of mood and behaviour. Saturn in Pisces wants you to let go of the past and teach others what you have learned (there will be additional mentions of you becoming some sort of a guru or teacher).

Sun in 8th house, again mystery and occult interests, transformation of ego through sharing of material resources.Maybe you like to talk a lot about yourself, but in the end you give back to your community. Just keep in mind not everyone wants money or favours, some simply need what you need, kindness and understanding, and attention.

Venus in Taurus in own sign, important and strong due to leading the conjuction with Moon. Mars is kinda further away, the conjuction is weaker but he brings the aggressiveness and directness to fight for what Venus and Moon conjuction bring. the person may marry an immoral partner. Moon, Mars and Venus together create a lot of havoc for the native.

Such a native is likely to incur troubles and miseries in life due to his or her rash partner and children. Since the conjucntion is found in the 7th house, the person may have relationship issues, increased passion and sensuality, fierceness and inclination towards illicit relations. The person may not marry by any means. Such a person however tends to be intellectual and rational, and prone to colds.

Even though you might not marry in this life, you might enjoy a lot of relationships, due to Moon being your chart's ruler due to Rohini nakshatra.
The native of the Rohini Nakshatra can be very hot tempered, and then he becomes very hard to control and becomes very stubborn. He does not care for anyone’s opinions in this frame of mind except his own. This native is prone to fault-finding, and is constantly on the lookout to find something to criticize in others. He mostly followed his heart than his brain. However, he is a loving family man and can sacrifice everything for his near and dear ones.

Moon being so strong might prevale in your above mentioned conjunction and you might find mother-like, gentle partners, but in that scenario, you are the one disloyal to the partner in the end, probably because such a partner wouldn't be as perfect as you've imagined due to the bad aspect of Sun and Neptune. This isn't standard Jyottish, and I won't be mentioning Uranus and Pluto (even tho Pluto is in its own sign of Scorpio, conjunct your Ascendant), but this aspect explains both your dreamy and lazy personality as well as creativity and I would like you to warn you to stay away from drugs and/or alcohol.

Moon aspect with Ascendant tells you to control your emotions and moods a bit better. Those mood swings are the reason other people find you unpredictable and they might fear you. Moon is deblitated in Scorpio, so he's sad to watch your ascendant - bad aspect.

Saturn and Ketu another bad conjuction. Ketu is deblitated in Pisces, so Saturn takes the lead. HE wants you to be patient and work hard on showing your love towards the people you love. It might include your children and close family due to them being in your 5th house. You probably feel like no1 loves you, but it's the opposite: they're afraid of you and care for you. You're just being too perfectionist about yourself and probably overly critical to yourself! Stop it and enjoy the moment, and you'll get rewarded after the age of 32.

Mercury and Sun conjuction in 8th house --> Sun is leading this conjuctions but it's losing in degrees to Mercury, so Mercury still has a word in it. Such a native is usually neurotic, narcissistic (probably due to low self-esteem or fear of losing your mojo), likes to talk about himself but not to listen to others when they talk about themselves. However, Mercury is in his OWN house of Gemini, and brings wit, intelligence, communication skills, probably inclined towards media, marketing, journalism, teaching or sales. Them being in the 8th house of transformation probably implies you're about to use your intelligence and experience to work on your ego, which also probably explains the motive for this question (if it not being a break-up from a relationship you thought would work out).

Venus also, due to being in her own sign of Taurus, brings loyalty, stability, routines, clearly defined goals; you are lazy but charming, warm, sympathetic and artistically inclined (writing, poetry?). However, probably jealous and possessive (normal for love in early ages of life and for a Scorpio asc :biggrin: )

Moon affecting Venus explains your sensitivity to bad manners and harsh treatment. Also doubles on charm, compassion and on fondness of sweet and rich food!

All in all, I would say the summary of both your charts (i can't predict everything from Navamsa as I'm not fluent in it) could be stated like this:

Too much perfectionism is the cause of your internal unhapiness and broken relationships. It usually means jumping from one partner to another with costant changes of yourself and your preferences. This can be battled with some self-forgiveness and realistic approach. Who says you need a soulmate? You might just settle for someone you know your whole life and you know will be loyal to you and compassionate with you in time you need it the most.

Your moodiness and mood swings cause people to fear interacting with you - Your Moon and Saturn and Ketu all want you to learn to control your emotions. It's ok to feel them, but they are just emotions. When you sit on them for a day, they get weaker in their effect, thus you're more rational again. Forgiveness is the lesson to learn - don't cross out people who disappointed you once. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me? Forget that. If they fool you twice, they're doomed to a desperate life anyway, one of not wanting who they are and who/what tehy want.

I think you know what you want, so start acting like that :)

P.S. I didn't at all focus on materialistic stuff and wealth. I got the feeling you're all about love and higher learning. But there are some powerful Sun yogas in your chart which predict wealth or at least not struggling with money. If there are any struggles, expect them to wear out after 32nd year, with spikes from 38-52 years old. You are an old, wise soul. That's when you're going to shine the most.

I'd like a thorough feedback on this one. It's the longest analysis I've ever done and still not deep enough. If you help me filter out the wrong stuff, we'll be able to go deeper without worrying of any contradictions.

Also, forgive me if I've been too harsh in any of the statements. After all, forgiveness is the lesson to learn in this chart! :bandit:


Well-known member
Also, I almost forgot about the tranzits.

You were born in 3rd pada of Rohani nakshatra, which is ruled by the Moon and it lasts for 10 years, which puts your birth in the 3rd quarter of the Moon period. It lasted for additional 3 years, and then you entered the Mars period for 7 years. When you were 10, you entered the Rahu period which you are currently in right now, and will be until you're 28.

So how is Rahu doing in your chart?
Well it's sitting in your 11th house in the sign of Virgo. Usually Rahu means desire, what you came to achieve in this world, but this period promises you a lot of friends, connections and perhaps short trips. It promises variety of interests and related to communication and analysis.

Mercury, being the ruler of Virgo and Gemini is doing great in Gemini, chilling with Sun. At this very moment you're in the beginning of the last pada of Hasta nakshatra, also ruled by Moon. This nakshatra promises calm and patient and charming mood, eagerness to help the needy, even without expectations. Even though you're showing a lot of great qualities, all you get back is criticism, However, you're right to be patient and it should all work out.

Ganeshaspeaks foretells happiness between the ages of 30 and 42.
Due to Rahu fullfilling your desires, this IS the pada when you might get married, or if you're married, be happy in that marriage. There's a possibility of your partner being bisexual.

If you don't happen to mary in this period, when you're 28 years old you'll enter the Jupiter Mahadasha. Again, without knowing how much I got right, I don't want to continue the analysis, in case of going too deep on a wrong path. However, due to your Jupiter being happy in his own sign, that Mahadasha should promise optimistic events and due to it being in your 2nd house, it could be related to your family life, wealth or rethinking of what death means to you.

Again, I kindly ask your feedback!