Does he have a new lover?


New member
When I study Horary Love charts, I always look at the Ascendant before anything else, when it comes to Yes or No questions.

They say Benefics (Venus/Jupiter) conjunct the Ascendant, confirms your question, meaning yes.

I know everything has to be taken into account but that in itself is very telling and can't be ignored.

dr. farr

Well-known member
By the Ankara horary method:

HE = 7th house = Aries = Mars
HIS possible new lover = 5th whole sign house from the 7th = Leo = Sun
Querent's co-significator = Moon

:Mars is combust the Sun in the 5th from the 7th house = yes
:Querent co-significator Moon flows away from Mars (him) and is in its fall in Scorpio = - testimony FOR THE QUERENT which, given the nature of the question, is + testimony for "him" having a new lover

Answer: yes, "he" probably has a new lover...