Aspects to Ascendant: Conjunctions and Parallels


Account Closed
I just read the above post and I promise this isn't meant to contradict! :pinched:

I was just about to ask does anyone have one of these aspects that they just can't relate to? I see that I overlooked one - Saturn contraP ASC. Well I just don't recognise that in me. It's less than one degree too.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Not every aspect will manifest "all the time" or "at once"-it could manifest very early on (such as in infancy) or could manifest later in time (late in life)

Also, you mention that you haven't seen the Saturn contra Asc (= Saturn opposition to ascendant) manifest-may I ask you if you have seen Saturn CONJUNCT ascendant manifest for you? I ask this because a minority of authors (mostly authors from before the mid 20th century) frequently considered both parallels and CONTRA-parallels equivalent to CONJUNCTIONS...


Premium Member
I think in my own personal case would be a lot more pronounced due to the close contact of Uranus, IC, Jupiter, SN, anti vertex, Neptune in parallel involving MC/IC, moon node and vertex axis while Jupiter in natal already square and opposition AC/DC, MC and north Node/vertex, all these together are impossible to miss.


Account Closed
You know, that contra aspect possibly manifesting like a conjunction is distinctly possible. The interpretation is quite different and it's certainly not unlike me...hmm That would be mars parallel and Saturn contra (acting like parallel) to the ASC.

That may prove useful to others looking at these aspects in their chart.


Well-known member
Hmm, gonna post my freshly discovered aspects to the ASC

Mercury conjunct/parallel ASC
Mars conjunct/parallel ASC
Saturn sextile ASC
Sun parallel ASC
Jupiter parallel ASC
Venus parallel ASC
Uranus parallel ASC
Neptune parallel ASC



Well-known member
I certainly won't dispute the contra's value!! And, most DO regard them as = to oppositions (and, this is probably correct)-just that I myself have not applied them to the extent I have applied the Parallels.
A stunning example of contra's is found in the Arthur Bremer natal chart (attempted assassin of George Wallace during the presidential campaign of 1972) In Bremer's chart, Lilith and Pluto and Uranus are all in tight Parallel together, and this group is in almost exact contra-parallel with Bremer's ascending degree! This group (Lilith+Pluto+Uranus) in such a close relationship with the individualizing ascending degree, clearly shows the deep seated tendency toward sudden violence, in Bremer's nativity. Here is a good example of the contra-parallel influence!
Accuracy of Bremer's ascendant is questionable. There are likely other equally plausible explanations
for Bremer's 'deep seated tendency toward sudden violence'

reliable birth data is essential

dr. farr

Well-known member
I don't think the accuracy of Bremer's birth time (and thus ascending degree) are in doubt (its a B in the Rodden reliability schedules, based upon legitimate biographical sources). Of course, other additional explanations for his tendencies are to be anticipated. In addition to the parallel to the ascending degree, there are definitely other factors in the Bremer chart** which add testimonies to the striking ascending degree parallel I have described, above...

**these other significant contributory factors including the star Sabik conjunct the ascending degree, the star Alogarab conjunct the MC, Neptune parallel the MC, and atmakaraka of the chart, highly elevated Mercury, in close proximity (almost conjunct) the Dragon's Tail at the top of the chart...
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Well-known member

I don't think the accuracy of Bremer's birth time
(and thus ascending degree)
are in doubt
(its a B in the Rodden reliability schedules, based upon legitimate biographical sources).
Of course, other additional explanations for his tendencies are to be anticipated.
In addition to the parallel to the ascending degree, there are definitely other factors in the Bremer chart** which add testimonies to the striking ascending degree parallel I have described, above...

**these other significant contributory factors including the star Sabik conjunct the ascending degree, the star Alogarab conjunct the MC, Neptune parallel the MC, and atmakaraka of the chart, highly elevated Mercury, in close proximity (almost conjunct) the Dragon's Tail at the top of the chart...
B in the Rodden reliability schedules
is not as reliable as an A
There is some doubt


Well-known member
Uranus in the 1st can indicate problems with calve and ankles, they may be strange or some accident occurs there. Neptune similarly with feet for instance, either well shaped or problems. etc etc. Depending on the type of aspect made to the 4th of heredity and the 6th of general health.

I have Mars conjunct my chart ruler Neptune (Pisces rising) and I have been hit on the head with an axe in childhood, accidentally. HOw stereotyped is that!! So those that ignore the outer planets in our charts, are misguided in my opinion.


Well-known member
These planets only take affect on an individual's physiology/appearance if they are in tight conjunction?,
or, 12° longitude (first house) or 2° longitude away of axis of ascendant is the same thing?
these difference of distance also change the life, presentation and how the person feels?
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Well-known member
Generally speaking, planets within 3 degrees (longitude) of an accurate Asc do affect the person in a noticeable physical way, in addition to their personality. Further out, say 3-6 degrees the effect is more psychological. In declination that would be around 1 degree/1.5 degree, depending on the planet.


Well-known member
I've wondered the same thing as Moor about Moon conjunct ASC. I have my Libra moon closely conjunct my ASC, and while I certainly feel the Cancerian aspects of it (i.e. paying heavy attention to my emotions, being self-protective and a homebody), I also feel a lot of the restlessness, impatience, and impulsive need to express myself that seems typical of an Aries moon. But then again, I have my Sun and Venus in Aries so...


Well-known member
I must say that I can relate to the stereotypes regarding Aries ascendant. Things which are always mentioned in descriptions apply to me I think, especially:

Physical (of course there some nasty genes in it too):
-bigger, longer nose
-bushy eyebrows, well ok.. monobrow
-muscular body (I trained a lot, now less, but the muscularity remained)
-I eat huge amounts of food and stay relatively fit (taurus moon explains my favorite binge eating I suppose)
-average height, strong arms
-ruddish complexion
-scars- legs, palms and cheeks-long fight with hormone imbalance and therefore acne, but I have beaten them up like true Aries does

Not so much for a girl, but with my Libra descendant I'm trying to compensate things with pretty people around me

- nervous energy all the time
- must be always in motion, even now my feet are dancing polka
- I like to be first
- no social graces
- talk too fast and chaotic, only when writing I'm taming my stream of conciousness from constant leakage
-like hiking and tenting, love travel like the pioneers
-not afraid to travel alone and,well, generally being alone
-thrive on challenges (I regret some bets to this day, but that's life)
-I say a lot of "I"

The ruler of my ascendant is in Aquarius in 11th house, so some of uranian traits apply too, maybe fascination with social sciences, an environmentalist streak and absolute carelessness about my outfit (I suffer so much when I see effortlessly elegant gals).
Also Mercury in Aries conjuct ascendant here- talkative, curious, always trying to learn something or too self absorbed, not sensitive, not understanding small talk and too hasty in practically everything, it depends on the mood. And only liking the beginnings of things! It's so hard to end some things when you feel you have another- always better than the previous- idea, believe me :)

It's always a concious effort to be nicer and more charming and more womanly, I have to turn it on, because it's needs some mental preparation.

And coffee is always just too much to bear

I agree with what you say are Arian traits but it is the head area that is often injured or scarred especially in the early days. Often due to rash behaviour.
I can see that caffeine would be an overload with a Fire ascendant. I think the Moon in Taurus likes and attracts pretty women, mother for instance may be comely and sensual. Some Taureans adore rich foods and sweet and that goes for Taurus Moon. I am one also. The decan that your ascendant falls in will give a fuller picture. Libra on the descendant means ruled by Venus and depends what sign that is in, for long term relations such as best friends.


Well-known member
Generally speaking, planets within 3 degrees (longitude) of an accurate Asc do affect the person in a noticeable physical way, in addition to their personality. Further out, say 3-6 degrees the effect is more psychological. In declination that would be around 1 degree/1.5 degree, depending on the planet.

I agree the conjunction of a planet to the ascendant needs to be quite tight and can eclipse the actual rising sign in influence. Again the aspects made by that planet in the 1st house, elsewhere, will affect the general persona and how people appear especially the first impression. I dont agree with further out degrees being psychological. The chart ruler i.e. the ascendant's ruling planet is also very influential regarding looks, persona and how we filter life's events. The way that we initiate things and beginnings in general.


Well-known member
Not every aspect will manifest "all the time" or "at once"-it could manifest very early on (such as in infancy) or could manifest later in time (late in life)

Also, you mention that you haven't seen the Saturn contra Asc (= Saturn opposition to ascendant) manifest-may I ask you if you have seen Saturn CONJUNCT ascendant manifest for you? I ask this because a minority of authors (mostly authors from before the mid 20th century) frequently considered both parallels and CONTRA-parallels equivalent to CONJUNCTIONS...

aspects are triggered off by transits and progressions as well but are part of our inherent nature from birth and form our general character and personality.I dont use parallels or contra parallels and you need to see what Decan Saturn in on the ascendant is in for a fuller picture.


Well-known member
I have a question about Moon conjunct ascendant or in first house close to ascendant- does it give you the traits of Cancer ascendant or more of Moon in Aries on ascendant?

What I have read is contradictory, most of the descriptions emphasize the role of lunar appearance, softness, maternal instincts and absorbing emotional states from others with this position of Moon.

On the other side, some say that because it's a first house- house of Aries- it should be interpreted more like arian moon- adventurous, courageous, assertive and not soft at all.

What is correct then?

Consider it this way. Cancer gets its qualities from the Moon in principle. So your reasoning is simply showing that because you are more familiar with signs you refer to Cancer. A person with a genuine Moon-Asc conjunction (or parallel, or other angular aspect) can seem like a Cancer type if other factors in the chart don't alter it.

All astrological questions like this can really only be answered definitively in direct reference to the actual chart in question. Otherwise its all hypothetical.


Well-known member
I must say that I can relate to the stereotypes regarding Aries ascendant. Things which are always mentioned in descriptions apply to me I think, especially:

Physical (of course there some nasty genes in it too):
-bigger, longer nose
-bushy eyebrows, well ok.. monobrow
-muscular body (I trained a lot, now less, but the muscularity remained)
-I eat huge amounts of food and stay relatively fit (taurus moon explains my favorite binge eating I suppose)
-average height, strong arms
-ruddish complexion
-scars- legs, palms and cheeks-long fight with hormone imbalance and therefore acne, but I have beaten them up like true Aries does

Not so much for a girl, but with my Libra descendant I'm trying to compensate things with pretty people around me

- nervous energy all the time
- must be always in motion, even now my feet are dancing polka
- I like to be first
- no social graces
- talk too fast and chaotic, only when writing I'm taming my stream of conciousness from constant leakage
-like hiking and tenting, love travel like the pioneers
-not afraid to travel alone and,well, generally being alone
-thrive on challenges (I regret some bets to this day, but that's life)
-I say a lot of "I"

The ruler of my ascendant is in Aquarius in 11th house, so some of uranian traits apply too, maybe fascination with social sciences, an environmentalist streak and absolute carelessness about my outfit (I suffer so much when I see effortlessly elegant gals).
Also Mercury in Aries conjuct ascendant here- talkative, curious, always trying to learn something or too self absorbed, not sensitive, not understanding small talk and too hasty in practically everything, it depends on the mood. And only liking the beginnings of things! It's so hard to end some things when you feel you have another- always better than the previous- idea, believe me :)

It's always a concious effort to be nicer and more charming and more womanly, I have to turn it on, because it's needs some mental preparation.

And coffee is always just too much to bear

mars is one of my dominant planets,and i fit in so many things with this text.
monobrow too lol
I have a scar on face, including :D


Well-known member
That reference to Cosby as Aries rising is based on a birth time quote in a bar. I doubt its correct. However, I have yet to test charts for him.

However, Jon Voight, Barbara Streisand and Helen Reddy are genuine Aries rising types. They show it in both their physical and personality attributes. Many of the others on that page you linked are quite doubtful and that site has been known to just pull things out of thin air.

The reason I posted the descriptions I have here at the top of this post is to clear up some inconsistencies and errant information on such sites. Here are some pictures of genuine Aries types in case you've not seen them on my own page...
Soon I may be adding to those for a fuller representation of genuine verified people for each rising sign with a better mixture that should include more women and various ethnic backgrounds. It has taken a long time to collect and verify each one. Whatever I display there is 99% certain to be accurate. No guesswork allowed.