Does this chart indicate a tendency to be unfaithful or lean towards polyamory?


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Exercising more caution,

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Staff member
What's your relationship to this person? Why is it any concern of yours if they have a tendency to be unfaithful or polyamorous?

How well do you know them? The best predictor of their behavior in relationships is their current and past behavior, not their birth chart. If you know they go in for multiple partners, that's your answer right there. If you know them to be monogamous and faithful, that's your answer. Their chart doesn't override that.

If you don't know them well enough to know either way, it's none of your business. That could change if you develop a kind of relationship with them that would make it your business, but in that case, the way you'll know is by knowing them, not studying the imperfect map to them.

That said, Sagittarius placements indicate a need for variety, but that doesn't always mean a variety of partners, even when those placements are in the seventh house. People with those indicators could just as easily be monogamous in romance while getting their need for variety met by having a variety of friends.


Staff member
Their birth chart doesn't tell us anything without their input. There are many ways any birth chart placement can manifest. Way too many for every possibility the birth chart suggests to be a reality.

To know if this person really is drawn to having multiple partners, they'd have to tell us. Their chart allows for that possibility, but it also allows for them to be monogamous. Only they can tell us which of those possibilities is their reality, and which is their reality at this time. Some people are polyamorous at some times in their lives and monogamous at others, but they're still living the same birth chart.

You've seen enough red flags in their behavior to be turned off a relationship with them, not just in the monogamy/polyamory question, but in how they approach telling you anything in general. That's much more important than the birth chart.


Staff member
This is a fair response. Truly, looking into charts can feel like looking into a kaleidoscope - something I’ve come to love about astrology thus far!

A part of me wonders if my Venus in Cancer is attracted to this person because of the unconditional love and/or support they didn’t receive growing up. It’s like I sense this on a primal level and I’m hesitant to walk away because I feel they’ll find themselves in another abusive relationship, and somehow want to protect them from this. (Me thinking out loud)
You've got lots of nice chemistry aspects with this person. To pick out a few: Moons sextile, Suns sextile, Venuses trine, your rising sign is their descending sign and vice versa. All that easily adds up to attraction.

They have a very Scorpionic chart, and you have Scorpio rising. So Scorpio's need for privacy and tendency to test others surreptitiously before deciding to trust them (if you ever do) applies to both of you.

For someone with Scorpio descending and a heavily Scorpionic chart to boot, relationships will naturally be Scorpionic, and those Scorpionic relationships are what they need for their own personal growth. Those are relationships that bring out the shadow in both parties. You two have hit that already: the lack of trust.

Abusive relationships are the worst kind of shadow relationships. Healthy relationships are also possible, if both people are acknowledging the shadow and working it consciously.

But you need to make your decision about this relationship based on what's best for you. If you only make your decision based on what you think your partner needs, you'll leave your own needs out of it, and that won't make for a good relationship. Not only that, you could be wrong about what you think your partner needs.

Would synastry offer me a look at how well we interact, and then the composite offer me how others view our relationship? I’ve read that the Davison chart is the place to look when assessing how our energies mix too.

Synastry shows the relationship dynamics. An in depth reading of a synastry chart would bring out how each of you experiences the relationship, and if done well, would have you saying, "Yes, yes, that's exactly what I/they do!"

Composite is the chart for the relationship as an entity in its own right. How does it manifest in the world, independently of either of you as individuals? Transits and progressions to the composite chart reflect external forces that affect the relationship and the way it evolves over time, respectively.

But a composite chart really only exists if the relationship exists, and it's only as strong as the existence of the relationship is. If this were just a crush, the composite would be meaningless, because there would be no real relationship at this point. For a relationship in the early stage, it has some meaning, but it would be an even more solid entity if you'd been together longer.