Solar Return 2019-2020


New member
Could I beg someone to read a written detailed synopsis of my Solar Return chart below and give me his opinion on the matter of my love life according to the chart.

I have about 5 planets (Sun,Moon,Jupiter,Saturn, Pluto and south node) placed in the 4th house of capricorn, with the Sun, Moon and Jupiter in conjunction with the IC,

Venus in the 5th house of aquarius,
Chiron (7th house) and Vertex (6th house) conjunct the descendant, Mars in the 2nd house of Scorpio, Uranus in 8th house of Taurus, Neptune placed in 6th house of Pisces.

Ascendant - Libra
Descendant - Pisces
Midheaven - Cancer
IC - Capricorn

I apologize for not posting a chart instead, because I'm new to this forum and unacquainted with the rules and regulations, currently.
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