did he?


I have a question in my mind. I need some help.
Did he ask her to do it?


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Scenario: My partner's ex is after us on and off. she usually stalk us online. just lately i have asked my partner to put his page on private mode and since then this woman has deactivated her account.

I want to know if it's my partner who has asked her to do so? (just in case he has some sorta contact with her?)

so here the L7 is my partner. I was wondering if this woman would fit in his 5th or 12th or the Saturn? This type of ex related question always been a confusion.


Well-known member
He did yes, but only to keep the peace and to stop her from bothering you both, Asc sq venus/mc midpoint.

This doesn't mean he is in constant contact with her, he did it for you.