Help! Why is my hair falling out?


Well-known member
Hi, everyone :)
I've always had pretty thick hair, that "shed" a lot. But for the past several months, a lot of it has been falling out, when I shower, when I brush it, even if I just run my fingers through it. Now, I have bald spots, where you can see my scalp through my hair, and I'm getting very anxious and depressed about it. I want to know what is causing the hair loss, so I can stop it before I go completely bald! I'm not sure if it's taking a higher dose of the medication I'm on, or the chemical process I've been doing to my hair for the past 10 years, if it's because of an endocrine condition I have, or if it's just because I'm getting older (I'm 35). Please help, I'm scared I will lose all my hair, and if I can do something to stop it, I want to know what it is.
Thank you for your consideration and help.


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Well-known member
On the outer wheel are the particular twelfth parts, I will call them duads.
The duad of ascendant falls in 8th sign and this is why you feel fear of loosing your hair. 8th house is the house of fear!
Moon in the late degrees in the term of malefic is also showing the same thing: fear and despair.

The dispositor of the ascendant ruler is often showing the cause of the disease. In this case it is Mars in Sagittarius, and this may be due to excessive heat and dryness (you have much hot and dry in your system), too much choler or yellow bile.

Proper diet, where you will balance this heat will be good. Not eating dry food, eating more cold and wet can help ([FONT=&quot]raw vegetables can help)[/FONT]. Also, living in the places that are wet can help to balance this excessive heat and dry.

Richard Saunders, a 17th century astrologer and physician wrote about Mars in Sgittarius:

"Mars in the last 18 degrees of Sag is hot and dry above nature,
consuming and drying up the Radical Moisture and Humidity of the
body, and utterly extinguishing the Life of Man; causing also
Botches, Carbuncles, Plague, Pestilence, consuming Agues, and the
like; as the violent Sciatica, and great extreme pain in the joynts
and huckle-bone with extreme heat and burning.(...)"
And also of its cure:
"Minister not to any in this case in the hour of Mars or Sun (this
would be counterproductive because they are both hot and dry), but in the hour of Moon, Venus or Mercury, being in
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, and put Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces in the
ascendant, and make the lord of the 6th weak, then bath the party in cold water, and let him blood out of hand, and give him things to
quench his great heat and drought and anoint his Body with
infrigidans Galeni, and such like cold ointments, and purge red
Choler strongly, for these Diseases are infective."
Maybe visiting a Heilpraktiker can help, or some vedic astrologer who also practices ayur veda, if the symptoms continue of course.
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