Where should I consider going to grad school?


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Part of my 5 year plan involves going to Europe to do my Master's Degree then possibly staying for a few years after to work. When I looked at the astrocartography map on astro.com, I got the following data for the 3 locations I'm considering for this:

* Location A has my Uranus/DC line running right through it.

* Location B has my Mercury/MC line running right through it with my Pluto/DC line not too far away.

* Location C is right by my Pluto DC/Mercury MC crossing.

When I do a relocated natal for those 3 locations, then the planets as they are shown in my original natal become 3rd House North Node, 6th House Mars, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus, 7th House Neptune, 9th House Venus, 10th House Mercury, 11th House Sun and Moon, and 12th House Chiron. In location B, my Moon is 10th House instead.

Then if I do return to North America after I finish my Master's, the following is the astrocartography data for the 2 cities I would consider settling in. Both are very far away from my birthplace, so culture shock/distance from family isn't really a factor whether I stay on my continent long-term or not:

* Location D has my Uranus/AC line a few hundred miles away.

* Location E has my Neptune/AC line a few hundred miles away.

Then when I do a relocated natal for those 2 locations, the planets in my original natal shift to 1st House Neptune, 2nd House Venus, Mercury, and Moon, 3rd House Sun, 5th House Chiron, 8th House North Node, 10th House Mars, Saturn, and Pluto, 11th House Jupiter, and 12th House Uranus. For Location E, my North Node shifts into my 7th House.

I'm building my career as an accountant, and having plenty of opportunity to travel along the way is important. I'm also single, so being in a location where I'm most likely to meet a suitable partner as well as to give any children I may have a great upbringing are also important factors that influence where I choose. And also I've spent most of my life an a very conservative, parochial region of the US, so being able to live somewhere that feels like a breath of fresh liberal air would be fantastic! I just haven't listed the city names, as on here I'm looking at everything from an astrological point of view only. All 5 of those locations have in common a cooler 4-seasonal climate, easy access to outdoor activities, and a mentality which I feel on the same wavelength as.

Thanks so much, and I've attached my original natal chart as well.


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dr. farr

Well-known member
I fully concur with JerryRR's above conclusion; would definitely avoid Location D and Location E, due to connection of Dragon's Tail with natal ascendant line.


Well-known member
Location B is definitely tempting, it just worries me that there's a Pluto/DC line nearby, especially when my natal Pluto is so badly afflicted! I'm wondering how this would manifest itself.

There were a few more locations I thought about, but ruled out as Pluto/DC runs directly through them. I have had second thoughts about the place with Neptune influences. I have lived in a place before that had a Neptune line only a few miles away, very bad experience. I was kind of in La-La Land, and found it to be impossible to find any decent job there or to meet anyone trustworthy.

Of course too, being located in Europe would mean I would have 5 planets in my relocated 6th House, including Jupiter but also the 3 malefics, which are natally in my 9th House. Just wondering how that's likely to play out.
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EEC,Treaty of Rome,1957.March 25 1957 6:30 pm MET Rome.

U.K,Jan 1 1801 00:00 LMT Westminster.

Saturn Return: Oct 27 2011.

'Pluto is badly afflicted.' -'but also the 3 Malefics.' I do not understand what you mean?

J. :)