Planetary Patterns


Well-known member
For the bucket, you look at the two planets which form the 'rim' of the bowl. The chart is not there so I don't know which planets they are. But there is an opposition at the top of the planetary grouping. All of the planets lie below that rim. So you look at that opposition, the planets involved, and the houses they rule, and that is the backbone of your chart.


Active member
So my 'handle' is pluto, then.

The outer rim planets are my sun in my 10th house and Neptune in my 6th, and they trine each other. However my pluto opposes my sun. Does that count? ��


Well-known member
I cant see the chart cuz it expired. It is either a bucket or a bowl. Not all buckets have handles though.

If the rim is built upon a trine, and the Pluto is an opposition, then you look to see which planet is outside of the huge group of planets in the bowl, within the 180. It would either be the Sun or Neptune in that case, that was the handle of the bucket.

Look at the Sun/ Pluto opposition. Does Neptune stick out above that opposition, away from the other planets , which are under the opposition line
[ rim]

EDIT: I think I just remembered your chart---everything is full from the 4th through the 10th houses? It is a BOWL and not a bucket, I believe.

Google BOWL chart pattern and see
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Active member
I have a hard time posting the picture, so here's the list:

Pluto in Sagittarius in the 4th (Scorpio)
Neptune/Uranus in Aquarius in the 6th (Capricorn)
Jupiter in Pisces in the 8th (Pisces)
Moon/Venus/Saturn in Aries, Mercury in Taurus in the 9th (Aries)
Mars in Taurus, Sun in Gemini the 10th (Taurus)

I was thinking about the possibility of it being a bowl. Huh.


Well-known member
Here is a really good interpretation of a BOWL pattern:

The two planets at the lips or rim of the Bowl may or may not be opposed; if they are, their opposition is known as the “rim opposition.” Both the presence of a rim opposition and a T-square strengthen a Bowl. The more exact the rim opposition, the stronger is the Bowl pattern’s influence in your character. If your rim opposition is wide (say more than 8° from exact), or there is no reinforcing T-square in the Bowl, the Bowl Pattern in your chart may not be extremely definitive of your character or compelling in its nature. But it is still present.

If you have a Bowl chart you are probably very self-contained and often have a mission, cause or advocacy in life, which manifests either as dedication to an ideal, or more onerously as a cross to bear. You often base your sense of self-worth upon a significant contribution that you’ve made to life that others have valued and acknowledged; if you haven’t already done this, it is probably a necessary and important step for you. You function best in crisis situations, where, according to Marc Jones, you have “an ability to hold steadfast under strain.” Be aware, however, that your reliable steadfastness doesn’t turn into intractability. You’re also a whole-hogger, putting your heart and soul into the enterprises you take on.

Bowl Pattern individuals tend to seek balance and harmony with your environment, perhaps to compensate for the polarity between the occupied and unoccupied halves of your charts. The occupied half of your chart symbolizes what you have to give to the world, and the unoccupied portion what you, consciously or unconsciously, feel you lack.