Why didn't he respond?


Background: Earlier in the summer I asked a professor from that previous if we could meet back up when that next semester starts (now) so he can explain to me how I may go about actually investing in stock--I asked him via school email and he said he could explain to me that week in person at school (finals were still going on and uni wasn't yet closed) but I was not going to be in town that week at all as I had already finished my finals, so HE suggested, "No problem, we can meet when the semester starts" I emailed him about it three weeks ago and said I can get back to him the best time when I can meet but the semester is already hectic and I need a few weeks or a month or so to get used to everything first. No response. At all. Not a "Ok, I understand!" or anything. Which is unusual.

And mind you, there is nothing inappropriate going on from either end. It's nothing at all like that. I thought it was unusual that he wouldn't email back at all as it's out of the ordinary, so I've been wondering why lately.

The ascendent is in early degrees, but this is already a 3 week situation (at the least) and it makes sense that he (my 7th house) is Mercury (education/professor) is in the 9th (higher education). Mercury (he) is retrograde and I'm not in the best spot either since I'm Saturn in Sagittarius (higher education/student) in the 12th house. Now, 12th house can be mysteries and the unknown and there is no reception between Saturn and Mercury, perhaps he didn't see the email? Or perhaps since he is retrograde he simply "backed out" of the plan to meet up (not inappropriate, during his office hours) but didn't want to be rude and say it? Or he finds me suspicious? (Ew, I really hope to God that's not the case)


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