SuperSun for Fun


New member
Hi! I've only ever studied my chart deeply from a Vedic perspective (in which I have an exalted Sun in 10th House in Aries - hence the title; Jupiter exalted in Navamsa and fairly strong in Lagna in the 2nd House; Merc, Moon, and Mars in Pisces sitting together in 9th House with Moon and Mars forming a tight pair and Merc debilitated; finally, Saturn sits in the 7th in its own sign, Cappy. Rahu/Ketu occupy the 6/12 axis) but I am also quite interested in knowing more psychological insights from my modern/Western chart! =D<br />
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Ohp also, I am Cancer Rising in my Vedic. Leo Rising in Western.<br />
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I have attached images, let me know if you would like them differently.<br />
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