What is final dispositor?


Well-known member
The final depositor is the most powerful planet in your chart because all the other planets are dependent on it either directly or indirectly by rulership. The final depositor is also in its own sign. So therefore if you have more than one planet in their own Signs, or no planets in their signs; you have no final depositors. For example Jupiter is my final depositor, because it's in Pisces. Plus it's also confirmed in the Pullen delineation because Jupiter is my dominant planet there also.


Well-known member
Dispositor. From the word dispose. The dispositor disposes the planets under its rulership.

The ruled are "at the disposition of" the ruler. He may do with them as he pleases.

The chart then takes on the tonality of the final dispositor. Where Mars, for example, is final dispositor you will find a warrior. Bruce Lee is one example; another is Martin Luther, the 16th century priest who defied the Pope and brought about the Reformation.
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