Transit NN Gemini Conjunct Natal planets in Gemini...Meaning?


Well-known member

I was wondering what does it means when the nodal axis goes into Gemini/Sagittarius in my chart? I have the Sun, Venus rx, Mercury rx, and Chiron all in Gemini. Only planet I have in Sagittarius is Uranus.

What can possibly can happen during this period? What Karmic lessons will I encounter to learn about? I'm very intrigue and interesting in knowing others opinions or expertise with this situation coming up. Thank you!!



Well-known member

I was wondering what does it means when the nodal axis goes into Gemini/Sagittarius in my chart? I have the Sun, Venus rx, Mercury rx, and Chiron all in Gemini. Only planet I have in Sagittarius is Uranus.

What can possibly can happen during this period? What Karmic lessons will I encounter to learn about? I'm very intrigue and interesting in knowing others opinions or expertise with this situation coming up. Thank you!!

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Anyone can help me understand this?